Top 116 Dhall open source projects

51. purescript-graphql-client
Typesafe graphql client for purescript
52. dhall-generic
Dhall generic decoder for Scala
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54. purescript-aff-coroutines
Helper functions for creating coroutines with the Aff monad
56. wagsi
A 100% browser-based interactive live audio coding environment.
57. purescript-html-parser-halogen
A library to render HTML string into Halogen views
59. purescript-halogen-hooks
Reusable stateful logic in Halogen, inspired by React Hooks
61. purescript-quickcheck-laws
QuickCheck powered law tests for PureScript's core typeclasses.
62. purescript-freet
Free monad transformers
63. purescript-web3-generator
A code generation tool for purescript-web3
64. dhall-prometheus-operator
Dhall types for Kubernetes Prometheus Operator
66. purescript-fast-vect
Fast 🐆, type-safe vectors for Purescript
67. purescript-halogen-portal
Portals for Halogen: Render child components anywhere in the DOM
68. purescript-rxps
An opinionated PureScript wrapper for RxJS, complete with a Monad Transformer ObservableT
70. github-actions-dhall
Dhall helpers for github actions
71. aftok
No description, website, or topics provided.
72. weeder
A re-implementation of weeder using HIE files
74. nix-derivation
No description, website, or topics provided.
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75. pg-client-hs
A low level Haskell library to connect to postgres
76. mptcpanalyzer
Software suite to analyze/control Multipath TCP (MPTCP) behavior
77. purescript-docs-search
Search frontend for the documentation generated by the PureScript compiler
78. dhall-semver
Dhall support for semantic version numbers
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79. purescript-playwright
[WIP] PureScript bindings for Playwright
80. http4s-finagle
Http4s on Finagle Server or Client
81. marlowe-cardano
Marlowe smart contract language Cardano implementation
82. purescript-coroutines
Computations which can suspend their execution and return control to their invoker
83. monpad
A fully-customisable web-based gamepad, designed to be used from smartphones.
84. react-basic-starter
Starter application for purescript-react-basic
85. chanterelle
Chanterelle -- a more functional truffle
86. vscode-language-dhall
Dhall Syntax Highlighting for VS Code
88. purescript-slug
Type-safe slugs for PureScript
89. purescript-tidy
A syntax tidy-upper for PureScript.
90. rinn7e-halogen-starter
Opinionated Purescript Halogen Starter
91. purescript-elmish
A PureScript implementation of The Elm Architecture
92. snowchains
Tools for online programming contests.
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93. purescript-react-basic-hooks
An implementation of React hooks on top of purescript-react-basic
94. purescript-string-parsers
A parsing library specialized to handling strings
95. polyglot
Tool to count lines of source code.
96. governance
In this course, students will learn about open governance on the IC and implement their own NNS-like system to create an open internet service. Module 1 serves as a primer for all things governance; we discuss the ideas behind open governance models, how the IC implements open, autonomous governance via the NNS, and the potential for open intern…
97. purescript-snap
An approach to user interfaces based in denotational design.
98. purescript-language-cst-parser
PureScript CST Parser written in PureScript
99. purescript-tidy-codegen
Convenient codegen for PureScript
100. purescript-wai
Purescript Web Application Interface. Port of the Haskell WAI library.
51-100 of 116 Dhall projects