Top 2029 emacs lisp open source projects

451. loccur
loccur is Emacs minor mode for navigating through the file like occur does, but without opening a new window.
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emacs lisp
452. read-aloud.el
A simple Emacs interface to TTS (text-to-speech) engines
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emacs lisp
453. org-icons
Icons for emacs org-mode
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emacs lisp
454. nvm.el
Manage Node versions within Emacs
455. Kilns
An experimental programming language based on the kell calculus.
456. flycheck-java
Emacs flycheck/flymake java syntax checker.
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emacs lisp
458. zygospore.el
reversible C-x 1 for Emacs
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emacs lisp
460. esxml
An elisp library for working with xml, esxml and sxml.
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emacs lisp
461. use-package-secrets
:secret keyword for use-package
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emacs lisp
463. emacs-maple-explorer
Create file, imenu, buffer sidebar on Emacs quickly
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emacs lisp
464. Enhanced-Ruby-Mode
An enhanced ruby-mode for Emacs that uses Ripper in ruby 1.9.2 to highlight and indent the source code
465. rbenv.el
use rbenv to manage your Ruby versions within Emacs
466. smyx
No description, website, or topics provided.
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emacs lisp
467. sdcc
This is a *REALLY OLD* clone of the Small Device C Compiler. Really, why is anyone staring this repository? No one is keeping this up to date. At all. Goto and get the latest version there.
469. dotemacs
Personal Emacs configuration files
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emacs lisp
470. cmake-font-lock
Emacs Font-lock rules for CMake
471. Escape-from-TuxKov
Escape from Tarkov QEMU Cheat
472. pml
New version of the PML language and (classical) proof assistant
473. old-emacs.d
Old emacs configuration. New one is living at
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emacs lisp
475. libinput
Input device management and event handling library **MIRROR ONLY**
476. emacs-for-javascript
Quick talk+demo+live coding for Manila JavaScript meetup #5
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emacs lisp
477. shepherd-config
My Shepherd user services
478. archsat
A proof-producing SMT/McSat solver, handling polymorphic first-order logic, and using an SMT/McSat core extended using Tableaux, Superposition and Rewriting.
479. dotfiles
JakobGM does dotfiles /w shellscripting
480. kuljet
The Kuljet language
482. lsp-tailwindcss
the lsp-mode client for tailwindcss
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emacs lisp
484. helm-flycheck
Show flycheck errors with helm
485. worf
vi-like bindings for org-mode
486. pi-php-mode
pi-php-mode is a fork of Turadg Aleahmad's php-mode based on the version 1.5.
487. squee
A Typed, Composable Database Query Language
489. chrome-emacsclient
Chrome Devtools integration with Emacs. Right now it lets you to open devtools resources in Emacs. Second step will be to have chrome console mirrored in Emacs.
490. counsel-dash
Browse Dash docsets using Ivy
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emacs lisp
491. lsp-origami
lsp-mode ❤️ origami.el
494. frowny.el
Insert frownies in Emacs :(
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emacs lisp
495. corfu-doc
Documentation popup for Corfu
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emacs lisp
496. emacs-mips-mode
An Emacs major mode for MIPS assembly code
497. emacs-titanium
Minor Mode for editing Titanium code in Emacs
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emacs lisp
498. .emacs.d-oldv2
Emacs configuration of an ex-vimmer
500. apel
APEL Development Repository for Wanderlust
451-500 of 2029 emacs lisp projects