Charts⚠️(OBSOLETE) Curated applications for Kubernetes
DevopsStudy Guides for DevOps Proffessionals
EngineDeploy your apps on any Cloud provider in just a few seconds
KuberneticKubernetic - Supercharge your Kubernetes clusters
HubFor the distributed charts search at
Build Harness🤖Collection of Makefiles to facilitate building Golang projects, Dockerfiles, Helm charts, and more
Helm KubectlDocker Hub image with helm and kubectl on top of alpine linux with bash
HarborAn open source trusted cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content.
KubenixKubernetes resource builder using nix
Helm TemplateHelm plugin to add client-side 'helm template' command.
HelmfilesComprehensive Distribution of Helmfiles for Kubernetes
Helm GcsManage Helm 3 repositories on Google Cloud Storage 🔐 **privately**
IngressWIP Caddy 2 ingress controller for Kubernetes
Chartify📈 Generate Helm Charts from Kubernetes objects
GridcalGridCal, a cross-platform power systems solver written in Python with user interface and embedded python console
K8s GitopsGitOps principles to define kubernetes cluster state via code. Community around [email protected] is on discord:
Container.trainingSlides and code samples for training, tutorials, and workshops about Docker, containers, and Kubernetes.
NovaFind outdated or deprecated Helm charts running in your cluster.
ReckonerDeclaratively install and manage multiple Helm chart releases
K8s Wait ForA simple script that allows to wait for a k8s service, job or pods to enter a desired state
Helm SecretsSuccessor of zendesk/helm-secrets - A helm plugin that help manage secrets with Git workflow and store them anywhere
DevspaceDevSpace - The Fastest Developer Tool for Kubernetes ⚡ Automate your deployment workflow with DevSpace and develop software directly inside Kubernetes.
Helm ConvertConvert Helm charts into Kustomize compatible package
K8s1.13微服务容器化持续交付总体流程:开发代码提交到Gitlab;Rahcher设置代码库为Gitlab;Rahcher流水线配置编译源码;Rahcher流水线Build Docker镜像;Rancher流水线Push Docker镜像到私有镜像库Harbor;Rancher流水线根据k8s yaml部署文件部署容器。
KasaneA simple kubernetes deployment manager
PivtHelm charts for running and operating Hyperledger Fabric in Kubernetes. Previously hosted at
OrcaAdvanced CI\CD tool for Kubernetes and Helm, Environments as Code
LarakubeLaravel app deployment for auto scaled Kubernetes cluster
Helm MapkubeapisThis is a Helm plugin which map deprecated or removed Kubernetes APIs in a release to supported APIs
K8ssandraK8ssandra is an open-source distribution of Apache Cassandra for Kubernetes including API services and operational tooling.
Ops CliOps - cli wrapper for Terraform, Ansible, Helmfile and SSH for cloud automation
Helm ChartsHelm charts for Kubernetes curated by Kiwigrid
Aws SsmPopulates Kubernetes Secrets from AWS Parameter Store
ChartsJFrog official Helm Charts
BinenvOne binary to rule them all. Manage all those pesky binaries (kubectl, helm, terraform, ...) easily.
Chart Releaser ActionA GitHub Action to turn a GitHub project into a self-hosted Helm chart repo, using helm/chart-releaser CLI tool
Mimicmimic: Define your Deployments, Infrastructure and Configuration as a Go Code 🚀
PhippyandfriendsSimple demonstration, inspired by the Children's Illustrated Guide to Kubernetes, of AKS.
Demoexamples, best practices for k8s volumes on azure, AKS, acs-engine, helm, etc.
Helm IntellisenseExtension for Visual Studio Code - Intellisense in helm-templates from the values.yaml
LostromosLostrómos is a service that creates Kubernetes resources based on a Custom Resource endpoint in the Kubernetes API
KeelKubernetes Operator to automate Helm, DaemonSet, StatefulSet & Deployment updates
K3s Gitops Armk3s cluster backed by Flux (GitOps) up and running on a cluster of RPi4
ArkadeOpen Source Kubernetes Marketplace
SkanScan Kubernetes resource files , and helm charts for security configurations issues and best practices.