Top 2029 emacs lisp open source projects

701. side-notes
Easy access to a notes file in Emacs
702. eloud
Lightweight, interactive screen reader for Emacs
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emacs lisp
703. auctex-latexmk
This library adds LatexMk support to AUCTeX.
704. gitignore-templates.el
Create .gitignore using GitHub or API
705. org-timeline
Add graphical view of agenda to agenda buffer
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emacs lisp
706. evil-god-state
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 47
emacs lisp
707. git-msg-prefix.el
Insert a piece of earlier vcs commits in your current commit message
✭ 18
emacs lisp
708. psc-ide
DEPRECATED - Editor Support for the PureScript programming language
710. sfs
Search File System for Emacs
714. Emacs-LanguageTool.el
LanguageTool suggestions integrated within Emacs
716. pyimport
Manage Python imports from Emacs!
717. ghelp
Emacs generic Help
719. git-auto-commit-mode
Automatically commit to git after each save
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emacs lisp
720. emacs-rsa
RSA cryptography in Emacs Lisp
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emacs lisp
721. multi-vterm
Managing multiple vterm buffers in Emacs
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722. my-site-start
Simple modular Emacs startup file management library
723. flyspell-popup
Correcting words with Flyspell in popup menus
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emacs lisp
724. .macOS-emacs.d
😈My personal Emacs configuration on macOS
725. luajit-zile
zile (emacs clone in lua) using luajit ffi for curses, posix, etc.
726. lisp-system-browser
Smalltalk-like system browser for Common Lisp.
728. LASS
Lisp Augmented Style Sheets
729. ob-tmux
Ob-tmux is an Emacs library that allows org mode to evaluate code blocks in a tmux session.
730. persp-projectile
Projectile integration for perspective.el
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731. habamax-theme
Emacs theme with boring white background color that gets the job done.
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emacs lisp
732. with-editor
Use the Emacsclient as the $EDITOR of child processes
733. dotfiles
Doom Emacs, a few-years old vim config, tmux, i3, zsh, polybar
734. pullover
Pull text from other (macOS) apps into Emacs to edit
735. berrys-theme
A light, clean and elegant Emacs theme
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emacs lisp
736. phi-grep
Interactively-editable recursive grep implementation in elisp
738. live-completions
Live updating of the *Completions* buffer
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emacs lisp
739. jdibug
Automatically exported from
740. happyblogger
[DEPRECATED] Write your blog posts in org-mode and let Jekyll take care of the rest.
741. doc-present
Presenting slides with Emacs
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emacs lisp
742. dotfiles
Collection of UNIX configuration files.
743. mc-vimbind
midnight commander with vim-style navigation
744. gocode
An autocompletion daemon for the Go programming language
745. historian.el
📚 Persistently store selected minibuffer candidates
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emacs lisp
746. rubyenterpriseedition
Ruby Enterprise Edition based on MRI 1.8.6
747. glsl-mode
GLSL emacs mode
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emacs lisp
748. gnuplot-mode
An emacs major mode for editing gnuplot scripts.
749. pair-tree.el
An Emacs Lisp cons cell explorer
✭ 46
emacs lisp
701-750 of 2029 emacs lisp projects