Top 420 Lex open source projects

251. intellij-cue
IntelliJ support for the CUE language.
252. baffledCitrus
Perplex, Lemon, and Re2c: A cross-platform lexer/parser replacement for flex and bison
253. miniob
No description, website, or topics provided.
254. freeDiameter
Official code repository for the freeDiameter project
255. ngl
Neuroshok Generic Language
256. plinycompute
A system for development of high-performance, data-intensive, distributed computing, applications, tools, and libraries.
258. algodea
Algorand Smart Contract Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
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259. learningbyreading
Learning by Reading pipeline of NLP and Entity Linking tools
260. tinyows
Source code of the TinyOWS project. Please submit pull requests to the 'main' branch.
261. nethack4
NetHack 4 is an open, community-maintained version of the classic roguelike game NetHack. This is my working repo for contributing to it. (If you are looking for the official NH4 repository, see
262. MAX30102 demo only C
C language demonstration of measuring heart rate and blood oxygen with MAX30102
265. nutsh
A framework for creating interactive command line tutorials, inspired by text adventures.
266. c-compiler
A compiler that accepts any valid program written in C. It is made using Lex and Yacc. Returns a symbol table, parse tree, annotated syntax tree and intermediate code.
268. gerty
A small implementation of graded modal dependent type theory. A younger cousin to Granule.
269. jcpu
Diagrams & code for my home-built Ben Eater inspired 8-bit CPU
270. systemdUnitFilePlugin
No description, website, or topics provided.
271. gyp
gyp: A pure Go YARA parser
272. DLTK
Deutsch Language Tool Kit
273. phpparser
Pure Java parser for PHP programs, used by the Pixy project.
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274. KiCad-Spice-Library
Centralized repo to store KiCad/Spice modules for simulations
275. agsutils
contains utils for AGS: game extractor, repacker, disassembler and assembler
276. aviatorscript-ideaplugin
aviator script idea plugin
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278. Resources
Manuals, lexica, OCR test data for PoCoTo and the profiler
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279. ljpeg
No description, website, or topics provided.
281. yara-parser
Tools for parsing rulesets using the exact grammar as YARA. Written in Go.
283. libcmime
libcmime is a lightweight mime library, written in C
284. easea
EASEA (EAsy Specification of Evolutionary Algorithms) is an Artificial Evolution platform developped by the SONIC (Stochastic Optimisation and Nature Inspired Computing) group of the BFO team at Université de Strasbourg.
285. AdvanceOS
Tiny Operating System to emulate GBA on Raspberry Pi
286. waterslide
WaterSlide is a streaming event-at-a-time architecture for processing metadata. It is designed to take in a set of streaming events from multiple sources, process them through a set of modules ("kids"), and return meaningful outputs.
289. hcl4j
HCL is the Hashicorp Configuration Language used in Terraform. This is a java Parser for parsing HCL and converting to Map objects.
290. tiger
🐯 Modern Compiler Implementation in C
291. csspool
CSSPool is a CSS SAC parser and by default will output a DOM Level 2 style tree.
292. zm-mailbox
zm-mailbox for Zimbra Collaboration Suite, FOSS Edition
293. simpleLang
A compiler for SimpleLang which is a new language.
295. GPGPU-Ramulator-Simulator
Replace original DRAM model in GPGPU-sim with Ramulator DRAM model
296. amiwm
Amiga Workbench inspired WM for Xorg.
297. dtc
Device Tree compiler + overlay patches
298. logica
Logica is a logic programming language that compiles to StandardSQL and runs on Google BigQuery.
300. WivOS
A new hobby operating system made with velocity in mind :D
251-300 of 420 Lex projects