Top 282 Logos open source projects

51. neteasemusic
52. Motate
Motate: This project has moved to the Synthetos account.
54. junkfieldsjs
3D Action Game made by THREE.JS
55. Unity60FPS
iOS jailbreak Tweak that force Unity Games render at custom framerate.
56. kuzz
ios iokit fuzzer (really probably isn't that useful anymore tbh)
57. CriWare-Key-Logger
Intercept and log CriWare hca key, both console and alert menu, as an iOS tweak. 拦截并记录CriWare hca密钥,同时输出至控制台与屏幕提示显示。iOS越狱扩展
58. Linux011
Linux 0.11 版本源码
59. reddit-no-ads
Tweak to remove "Promoted" post on Reddit app for iOS!
62. Redcrumbs
Fast and unobtrusive activity tracking of ActiveRecord models using DataMapper and Redis.
✭ 75
63. deadsouls
The Dead Souls mudlib and FluffOS LPMUD driver
64. A12-iOS-Jailbreak
Working (not yet! But will work at the end) Version of RootlessJB for A12 devices
65. bourgeois
🎩 Bourgeois is a Ruby library that makes using presenters a very simple thing.
✭ 24
66. realtek-mips-sdks
Realtek Network SoC/CPU toolchains (including support for Lexra based chips)
67. HackSpringDemo
theos demo, 在每次Springboard启动时弹出一个对话框。毫无意义
68. InfoStats2
An API for JavaScript, and Objective-C
69. Zen
A "theme tweak" for a minimal look of iOS
70. GenshinJailbreakBypass
No description, website, or topics provided.
71. libTransLock
Bruteforce the 4-digit passcode on iOS 8
72. newl-compiler
73. language-fortran
Haskell parser and manipulation functions for Fortran code
74. copper
An integrated context-aware scanner and parser generator
75. quark
Quark - the editor the world doesn't need
77. WeChat Sport
78. OctopusKeyboard
Predictive keyboard add-on for jailbroken iOS devices showing word suggestions above individual keys.
79. libcanopenurl
Stay away iOS 9+ canOpenURL: restriction.
80. WeChatPlugin
For Jailbreak.开启CallKit支持、一键远程控制、自动抢红包、消息防撤回等功能~
81. frenc
h8s is the built-in EC on most of Thinkpad
83. iOS-Mod-Menu-Base
This is a mod menu base for jailbroken iOS. It injects into a process and creates a nice looking UI to customize as you wish. at your .
85. m3-toolchain
Toolchain for compiling binaries for the Mazda 3
86. NoClipboardForYou
Prevent apps from accessing the general UIPasteboard on iOS.
87. cp-c
No description, website, or topics provided.
88. ios-app-spider
crawl app from 25pp and App Store
89. nino
Command line tool for arduino.
90. canfestival
No description, website, or topics provided.
91. facespro
Customize your passcode buttons in many ways
92. Finite state tool
Work with Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA), Non-deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA), Non-deterministic pushdown automation (NPDA), Context-free grammars (CFG).
93. ExactTime
Jailbreak tweak: show the exact time of a notification.
95. docker-vertica
Docker images collection for Vertica database
97. CyDelete
Uninstall Cydia applications via the SpringBoard.
98. assimp-cinema4d
Open Asset Import Library with Cinema4D (.c4d) reading support through Melange SDK, which is proprietary software to be obtained from For this reason this lives in a separate repository.
99. pixture
A Minetest subgame geared towards minimalist survival
51-100 of 282 Logos projects