Top 67 XS open source projects

2. Eqgrp lost in translation
Decrypted content of odd.tar.xz.gpg, swift.tar.xz.gpg and windows.tar.xz.gpg
3. Nginx Releases
* NOTE: This repository has been retired *. Complete (unofficial) history of nginx releases. Please note that this repository is unofficial and pull requests have no chance of being merged. The proper way to submit changes to nginx is via the nginx development mailing list, see
5. Shadowbroker
The Shadow Brokers "Lost In Translation" leak
6. kvspool
A library to support streaming data applications
7. verlihub
Verlihub series | Support hub: nmdcs://
8. perl-fuse
write filesystems in Perl using FUSE
✭ 30
9. mmc
MMC, the MUD client for UNIX and Win32
10. net-ssh2
Net::SSH2 perl module using libssh2
✭ 19
11. Scalar-List-Utils
Scalar::Util, List::Util and Sub::Util perl modules
✭ 27
12. rebuild-the-wheel
13. C-TinyCompiler
Perl bindings for the Tiny C Compiler
✭ 15
14. mmWave script
Scripts to capture raw data from TI's DCA1000EVM+IWR1642BOOST without mmWave Studio.
15. MaxMind-DB-Writer-perl
Create MaxMind DB database files
16. html-tidy
HTML::Tidy is no longer being maintained. Please see the new project
17. trycatch
'Native' try {} catch {} semantics for perl using Devel::Declare
✭ 27
18. perl-proc-processtable
Perl Proc::ProcessTable distribution
✭ 15
19. nginx-1.16.0
学习nginx架构设计与实现,翻译nginx的源码,写nginx的测试代码, 在issue中记录nginx的精妙设计及其常见问题 。 myexercise内存池、哈希表、链表、md5、crc测试代码,mymodule中有hello自定义模块代码。通过nginx将自己整个知识体系连接起来
20. perl-libsass
Perl bindings for libsass (CSS::Sass)
22. unliner
Untangle your unix pipeline one-liners
23. tysdk for esp8266
No description or website provided.
26. nginx-build
Nginx custom build by Hakase
27. Data-UUID
perl library for generating universally unique identifiers
✭ 16
29. toolchain
the checkra1n set of tools targeting bare metal, Linux and Windows
30. Net--RabbitMQ
Perl bindings to the librabbitmq-c AMQP library.
✭ 25
31. cache-fastmmap
Uses an mmap'ed file to act as a shared memory interprocess cache
✭ 19
32. fuzzbunch
Shadow Brokers NSA fuzzbunch tool leak . With windows auto instalation script
33. Cache-Memcached-Fast
Perl module Cache::Memcached::Fast
34. p5-uri-escape-xs
URI::Escape::XS - Drop-In replacement for URI::Escape
✭ 15
35. Text-Markdown-Hoedown
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 12
36. SimpleLink-CC3200
TI SimpleLink CC3200 to Cloud Servers
37. Image-Scale
Image::Scale - Fast, high-quality fixed-point image resizing
✭ 21
38. nginx
Nginx compiled to WebAssembly
39. SPVM
SPVM Language
40. nginx-android-app
android app version of nginx
41. vmprobe
The control panel for your cloud's memory
42. nginx-quic
No description, website, or topics provided.
44. Http-Developers
45. Time-Piece
Object Oriented time objects
✭ 15
46. pdfmef
Multi-Entity Extraction Framework for Academic Documents (with default extraction tools)
47. fmcw-RADAR
[mmWave based fmcw radar design files] based on AWR1843 chip operating at 76-GHz to 81-GHz.
48. p5-encode
Encode - character encodings (for Perl 5.8 or better)
✭ 35
49. HuaweiArkCompiler
1-50 of 67 XS projects