Top 71 PureBasic open source projects

51. UpdatingHDmapByMonoCamera
Updating HD map with RTK-GPS and monocular camera
52. pebble firmware patches
Some patches to modify behaviour of Pebble smartwatch firmwares. Apply with from pebble-firmware-utils.
✭ 18
53. Smart-Plug
An open source ZigBee plug for your own smart home
54. webview-tester
Test your web app in Android web view with visible console logs.
58. BitterPro
Opensource Font by Sol Matas
59. Lib-DeviceId
60. ntlea
No description, website, or topics provided.
62. PacbioToSRA
Take a list of Pacbio files (.fofn) and creates a spreadsheet for data submission to the sequuence read archive (SRA)
Web-based Shape Recognition Deep Learning Application. This project has been created by my workshop /with @ytumint @veribilimiytu
64. robotoslab
Roboto Slab Typeface by Google
65. solarized-jetbrains
Complete retheme of JetBrains IDEs for Solarized Light/Dark
67. light-model-transformer
No description, website, or topics provided.
68. KDB
Kotlin Databind library
69. ZStack-CC2530-2.3.0-1.4.0
CC2530 Coordinator & EndDevice --ZStack
70. disruptor-demo
71. AnimalRecognitionDemo
An example of using Redis Streams, RedisGears and RedisAI for Realtime Video Analytics (i.e. filtering cats)
51-71 of 71 PureBasic projects