Top 111 Stata open source projects

101. driving
Teenage Driving, Mortality, and Risky Behaviors: Public Use Data Repository
✭ 23
102. Loki
一个轻量级Web蜜罐 - A Little Web Honeypot.🍯🍯🍯🐝🐝🐝
103. Sharing-Center-of-Stata-Club
This repository is used to provide some useful data file and do file of Stata to reader.
104. redux
redux is an implementation of the redo top down software build tools
105. The-Stata-Guide
Files for the Stata Guide on Medium
107. codechella
Data, Code and other material for CodeChella concert
108. did imputation
Event studies: robust and efficient estimation, testing, and plotting
✭ 119
109. aib-phy-hardware
Advanced Interface Bus (AIB) die-to-die hardware open source
110. template
No description, website, or topics provided.
111. StataImproved
Improved Stata Editor for macOS : a sublime text 3 plugin
101-111 of 111 Stata projects