Google News Scraper - Japanese and Chinese supported
For English articles, Google has a RSS feed that you can directly use. Click here for English.
Each scraped article has the following fields:
- title: Title of the article
- datetime: Publication date
- content: Full content (text format) - best effort
- link: URL where the article was published
- keyword: Google News keyword used to find this article
How many articles can I fetch with this scraper?
No upper bound of course but it should be in the range 100,000 articles per day
when scraping 24/7 with VPN enabled.
How to get started?
git clone [email protected]:philipperemy/google-news-scraper.git && cd google-news-scraper
virtualenv -p python3 venv && source venv/bin/activate # optional but recommended!
pip install -r requirements.txt
python --keywords hello,toto --language ja # for VPN support, scroll down!
Output example
Article 1
"content": "(本文中の野村証券 [...] 生命経済研の熊野英生氏は指摘。 記事の全文 \n保護主義を根拠とする円高説を信じ込むのは禁物であり、実際は米貿易赤字縮小と円安が進むかもしれないとBBHの村田雅志氏は指摘。 記事の全文 \n",
"datetime": "2015/11/03",
"keyword": "米国の銀行業務",
"link": "",
"title": "再送-インタビュー:運用高度化、PEやハイイールド債増やす=長門・ゆうちょ銀社長"
Article 2
"content": "記事保存 有料会員の方のみご利用になれます。[...] 詳しくは、こちら 電子版トップ速報トップ アルゼンチン、ドル、通貨ペソ、外貨取引 来春の新入社員を募集 記者など4職種 【週末新紙面】宅配+電子版お試し実施中! 天気 プレスリリース検索 アカウント一覧 訂正・おわび",
"datetime": "2015/12/17",
"keyword": "アルゼンチン",
"link": "",
"title": "アルゼンチンの通貨ペソ、大幅下落 対ドルで36%安"
NOTE: The field content
was truncated in the README.
Scraping Google News usually results in a ban for a few hours. Using a VPN with dynamic IP fetching is a way to overcome this problem.
In my case, I subscribed to this VPN:
I provide a python binding for this VPN here:
Also make sure that:
- you can run
in your terminal. - ExpressVPN is properly configured:
- you get
expressvpn-python (x.y)
is the version, when you runpip list | grep "expressvpn-python"
Every time the script detects that Google has banned you, it will request the VPN to get a fresh new IP and will resume.
- Why didn't you use the RSS feed provided by Google News? It does not exist for Japanese!
- What is the best way to use this scraper? If you want to scrape a lot of data, I highly recommend you to subscribe to a VPN, preferably ExpressVPN (I implemented the VPN wrapper and the interaction with this scraper).