Vimdoc JaA project which translate Vim documents into Japanese.
Core🔞 JAVClub - 让你的大姐姐不再走丢
PykakasiNLP: Convert Japanese Kana-kanji sentences into Kana-Roman in simple algorithm.
Genki Study ResourcesA collection of exercises for practicing what is taught in Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese.
VoraciousA video player for studying foreign languages (esp. Japanese)
MahjongImplementation of riichi mahjong related stuff (hand cost, shanten, agari end, etc.)
Kanji Data MediaJapanese language data on kanji and radicals, media files, fonts and related resources from Kanji alive
SafarikaiSafari extension for translating Japanese words.
Katakana TerminatorA browser extension to convert gairaigo (Japanese loan words) back to English
Japanese.jsUtil collection for Japanese text processing. Hiraganize, Katakanize, and Romanize.
JprocessingJapanese Natural Langauge Processing Libraries
Konoha🌿 An easy-to-use Japanese Text Processing tool, which makes it possible to switch tokenizers with small changes of code.
Nadesiko3Japanese Programming Language Nadesiko v3 (JavaScript)
FugashiA Cython MeCab wrapper for fast, pythonic Japanese tokenization and morphological analysis.
CutletJapanese to romaji converter in Python
GseGo efficient multilingual NLP and text segmentation; support english, chinese, japanese and other. Go 高性能多语言 NLP 和分词
IchiranLinguistic tools for texts in Japanese language
Posuto🏣📮〠 Japanese postal code data.
TopokanjiTopologically ordered lists of kanji for effective learning
Languagepod101 ScraperPython scraper for Language Pods such as 👹 🗾 🍣 Compatible with Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and many more! ✨
ToiroA comparison tool of Japanese tokenizers
The Tab Of WordsA minimal Chrome / Firefox extension to help you learn Japanese words in each new tab.
JconvPure-JavaScript converter for Japanese character encodings.
QolibriContinuation of the qolibri EPWING dictionary/book reader
Awesome Bert Japanese📝 A list of pre-trained BERT models for Japanese with word/subword tokenization + vocabulary construction algorithm information
Risingstars2016A complete overview of the JavaScript landscape in 2016: trends about front-end and node.js frameworks, tooling... Available in English, Japanese and Chinese.
Memorize🚀 Japanese-English-Mongolian dictionary. It lets you find words, kanji and more quickly and easily
KanaGolang library for conversion between Japanese hiragana, katakana and romaji
JapanesetabA Chrome extension that helps you learn Japanese with every new tab 🔴
Vanilla AutokanaA Vanilla-JavaScript library to complete furigana automatically.
Owasp MasvsThe Mobile Application Security Verification Standard (MASVS) is a standard for mobile app security.
Google Ime Dictionary日英変換・英語略語展開のための IME 追加辞書 📙 日本語から英語への和英変換や英語略語の展開を Google 日本語入力や ATOK などで可能にする IME 拡張辞書です
KuromojiKuromoji is a self-contained and very easy to use Japanese morphological analyzer designed for search
KagomeSelf-contained Japanese Morphological Analyzer written in pure Go
Wanikani For AndroidAn android client application for the awesome kanji learning website
YomichanJapanese pop-up dictionary extension for Chrome and Firefox.
Pokemon FontGAME BOY font from Pokémon R/G/B/Y/G/S/C, Unicode extended.
KuroshiroJapanese language library for converting Japanese sentence to Hiragana, Katakana or Romaji with furigana and okurigana modes supported.