angular-progress-barThis component allow you to easy incorporate progress-bar to angular/ionic project, providing binding and color options
Stars: ✭ 26 (+18.18%)
Mutual labels: ionic, angular2, angular4, ionic2, ionic3, angular5, ionic4
Ionic AudioAn audio player for Ionic 3 and Angular 4. Works with HTML 5 audio or native audio using Cordova Media plugin.
Stars: ✭ 332 (+1409.09%)
Mutual labels: angular2, angular4, ionic-framework, ionic2, ionic3, angular5
Dianoia-appMobile (Ionic 3 - Angular 4) app about non-pharmaceutical activities and information for people with dementia.
Stars: ✭ 13 (-40.91%)
Mutual labels: ionic, angular2, angular4, hybrid-apps, ionic2, ionic3
Stars: ✭ 14 (-36.36%)
Mutual labels: ionic, angular2, angular4, ionic2, ionic3
ionic4-angular6-crud-exampleBuilding CRUD Mobile App using Ionic 4, Angular 6 and Cordova
Stars: ✭ 50 (+127.27%)
Mutual labels: ionic, hybrid-apps, ionic-framework, typescript2, ionic3
ionic3-image-handlingIn this ionic tutorial you will learn how to access the image gallery and take pictures from an ionic app. Also we will show you how to add a image cropper. This ionic tutorial includes a working ionic app example you can reuse for your needs.
Stars: ✭ 35 (+59.09%)
Mutual labels: ionic, angular4, ionic-framework, ionic2, ionic3
Wooionic3An eCommerce App for WooCommerce stores using Ionic 3.
Stars: ✭ 208 (+845.45%)
Mutual labels: ionic, angular4, ionic-framework, ionic2, ionic3
Ionic3 ComponentsA project full of ionic 3 components and samples - to make life easier :)
Stars: ✭ 1,689 (+7577.27%)
Mutual labels: ionic, angular2, angular4, ionic2, ionic3
Ion2 Calendar📅 A date picker components for ionic2 /ionic3 / ionic4
Stars: ✭ 537 (+2340.91%)
Mutual labels: ionic, angular2, angular4, ionic2, ionic3
Drip Ionic3「水滴打卡」App Open Source Code Base On Ionic V3 Framework
Stars: ✭ 74 (+236.36%)
Mutual labels: angular2, angular4, ionic2, ionic3, angular5
Ionic2 Pokedex🎮 Pokédex sample app developed with Ionic 2, Angular 2 and Apache Cordova. Using Pokéapi as source for data.
Stars: ✭ 143 (+550%)
Mutual labels: ionic, angular2, angular4, ionic2, ionic3
ionic-uber-cloneIonic 4 Taxi Booking script
Stars: ✭ 34 (+54.55%)
Mutual labels: ionic, ionic-framework, ionic2, ionic3, ionic4
ionic-workflow-guideCreate a full and powerful worflow with Ionic (Unit Testing, Environment variables, Automatic documentation, Production App Server, Automatic deployment)
Stars: ✭ 46 (+109.09%)
Mutual labels: angular2, ionic-framework, ionic2, ionic3
ionic-3-video-calling-using-webrtcThis is demo code of how to implement video calling in ionic 3 using webrtc
Stars: ✭ 58 (+163.64%)
Mutual labels: ionic, ionic-framework, ionic2, ionic3
ionic3-angular4-sample-appSample app of Ionic 3 and Angular 4
Stars: ✭ 35 (+59.09%)
Mutual labels: ionic, angular4, typescript2, ionic3
ionic-login-componentFree sample of Premium Ionic Login Component
Stars: ✭ 17 (-22.73%)
Mutual labels: ionic, ionic-framework, ionic3, angular5
ionic3This repository contains complete source code for Ionic 3 tutorial from I will try many Ionic 3 specific scripts and will write them as separate tutorial. You can follow this repo to get more tested and working script for the Ionic 3.
Stars: ✭ 21 (-4.55%)
Mutual labels: ionic, ionic-framework, ionic2, ionic3
ionic-socialsharing-with-deeplinking-exampleIonic Social Sharing and Deep Linking example app. Complete Ionic Tutorial with free example app! Built for Ionic 3.
Stars: ✭ 16 (-27.27%)
Mutual labels: ionic, ionic-framework, ionic2, ionic3
ionicfirebaseauthExemplo de alguns tipos de autenticação com Ionic 2 e Firebase
Stars: ✭ 18 (-18.18%)
Mutual labels: ionic, ionic-framework, ionic2, ionic3
ionic3-start-themeIonic 3 Start Theme with 10 Pages, mock data, providers samples, Storage, Http and more...
Stars: ✭ 130 (+490.91%)
Mutual labels: ionic, ionic-framework, ionic3, angular5