Top 311 ionic open source projects

Premium hand-crafted icons built by Ionic, for Ionic apps and web apps everywhere 🌎
Ionic Cache
Ionic and Angular cache service with IndexedDB, SQLite and WebSQL support
Ionic Mosum
Download Latest Ionic v3 Weather App ->
Ion Multi Picker
Multi Item Picker - An Ionic Custom Multi Picker Component
Ews Javascript Api
EWS API for TypeScript/JavaScript - ported from OfficeDev/ews-managed-api - node, cordova, meteor, Ionic, Electron, Outlook Add-Ins
Ionic Firebase Shopping Cart
HTML5 shopping cart using Firebase
Cordova Plugin Fingerprint Aio
👆 📱 Cordova Plugin for fingerprint sensors (and FaceID) with Android and iOS support
Convert JSON to TypeScript with secure type checking!
Ionic Wordpress Integration
Ionic Wordpress starter app 😎. Learn how to communicate your ionic app with Wordpress REST API with this starter and detailed tutorial.
Ionic Theme Editor
A theme editor for Ionic Framework
Cordova Ionic Phonegap Branch Deep Linking Attribution
The Branch Cordova Ionic Phonegap SDK for deep linking and attribution. Branch helps mobile apps grow with deep links / deeplinks that power paid acquisition and re-engagement campaigns, referral programs, content sharing, deep linked emails, smart banners, custom user onboarding, and more.
Ionic4 Start Theme
📱 Ionic 4 start theme (v1.0.0) with: Angular 7 + @ionic/angular 4.0.0 final+ Ionic Native 5 + Ionic CLI 4.5.0 by:
Onesignal Cordova Sdk
OneSignal is a free push notification service for mobile apps. This plugin makes it easy to integrate your Ionic, PhoneGap CLI, PhoneGap Build, Cordova, or Sencha Touch app with OneSignal. Supports Android, iOS, and Amazon's Fire OS platforms.
An eCommerce App for WooCommerce stores using Ionic 3.
Ionic Native Mocks
Ionic Native Mocks are designed to be used as placeholders during development for the actual Ionic Native modules.
Ionic 4 Components
🍕 Ionic 4 UI Component Library. Featuring Image Gallery, Refresher, Bottom Sheet and more.
Admob Plus
Trustable AdMob Plugin for Cordova, Capacitor, Ionic
Growth Ionic
[v2.0 DEPRECATED, please update to Growth 3.0] Growth - App to help you Be Awesome Developer & Awesome Hacker
Build A Complete Mobile App With Ionic Framework
Getting Started with Ionic Framework - Let's build a real App together! Learn the core concepts of Ionic while building a Q & A mobile app.
An Electron Ionic application shell for creating Web Apps, Progressive Mobile Web Apps, Native Mobile Apps and Desktop Apps.
Mobile Challenges
📝 A Huge List of Challenges for Mobile Developers 📱 | For now only in pt-BR
Ionic Super Bar
Transparent statusBar and awesome toolBar DEMO in ionic
Ionic2 Rating
⭐️ Angular star rating bar. Built for Ionic 2+.
Modern Real-Time Platform by MEAN Expert
Instagram clone theme for Ionic mobile apps.
Ionic Push Base
Ionic Push Notifications Base App for iOS and Android
Ionic Cli
The Ionic command-line interface
Ionic Toast
'ionic-toast' bower component for ionic framework applications
Ionic Calendar
A calendar directive for Ionic framework
Ionic Forms And Validations
📝 Ionic Tutorial - Learn to use Forms and Validations in Ionic Angular apps. Get a FREE Ionic 5 Forms Starter App and learn to handle simple and custom validations. Includes complete ionic forms tutorial!
Bibi Ionic
An mobile app of e-commerce for Ionic
Deploy Pico-8 Carts as Standalone Applications on Desktop 🖥️(Electron) and Mobile 📱(Ionic) 📦👾
BEEP Account Security Scanner - Detect if your credentials have been compromised (Vue + Ionic)
Socket Chat Client
📲 Ionic Socket.IO chat client
Siberian Single App Edition (SAE), free and open-source app builder.
Ionic2 Pokedex
🎮 Pokédex sample app developed with Ionic 2, Angular 2 and Apache Cordova. Using Pokéapi as source for data.
Ionic Native Http Connection Backend
A solution to CORS issues with Ionic and iOS
Ionic3 Multilevelsidemenu
Ionic 3 demo of a two-level side menu.
Ionic3 Components
A project full of ionic 3 components and samples - to make life easier :)
Fluster App
[DEPRECATED] Fluster, your simple search for roommates
An easy to use DDP client library
Ionic3 Start Theme
Ionic 3 Start Theme with 10 Pages, mock data, providers samples, Storage, Http and more...
A comparison between popular vectorial icon fonts
Ionic Typescript Starter
📱 Platform and IDE agnostic starter project for building mobile apps with Ionic and TypeScript.
ionic2-example <吃乎2>混合开发-美食app 🍜 ☕️ 🍦 (This is a support android and apple ionic2 case, a food app)
Ionic4 Starter App Tutorial
Ionic 4 To Do List App. FREE Ionic 4 example app. Learn how to start using Ionic 4 to create a simple app with lists, forms and navigation.
Ionic Super Tabs Example
Example app for ionic-super-tabs library
Cnodejs Ionic
The mobile app of made by Ionic 1.x, web demo
Ionic Social App
ionic demo application asynchronnous requirejs sass
Enable Firebase Cloud Messaging for Capacitor apps
Cross platform UI controls for progressive web and hybrid apps (plain JS, jQuery, Angular and React)
Ionic 3 File Transfer Example
📁 File Transfer in Ionic 3 using Ionic Native's File and Transfer modules
lizhonghui's blog
Ionic Framework
A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Stargazer is a mobile/desktop wallet for the Stellar payments network --
1-60 of 311 ionic projects