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Onelinerhub / onelinerhub

Licence: MIT license
2.5k code solutions with clear explanation @

Programming Languages

23972 projects - #3 most used programming language

Projects that are alternatives of or similar to onelinerhub

🍊 📊 💡 Orange: Interactive data analysis
Stars: ✭ 3,152 (+388.68%)
Mutual labels:  numpy, pandas
Simplify your ETL processes with these hands-on data sanitation tips, tricks, and best practices
Stars: ✭ 90 (-86.05%)
Mutual labels:  numpy, pandas
Love your Data. Love the Environment. Love VULKИ.
Stars: ✭ 43 (-93.33%)
Mutual labels:  clickhouse, pandas
Python Wechat Itchat
微信机器人,基于Python itchat接口功能实例展示:01-itchat获取微信好友或者微信群分享文章、02-itchat获取微信公众号文章、03-itchat监听微信公众号发送的文章、04 itchat监听微信群或好友撤回的消息、05 itchat获得微信好友信息以及表图对比、06 python打印出微信被删除好友、07 itchat自动回复好友、08 itchat微信好友个性签名词云图、09 itchat微信好友性别比例、10 微信群或微信好友撤回消息拦截、11 itchat微信群或好友之间转发消息
Stars: ✭ 216 (-66.51%)
Mutual labels:  numpy, pandas
introduction to ml with python
도서 "[개정판] 파이썬 라이브러리를 활용한 머신 러닝"의 주피터 노트북과 코드입니다.
Stars: ✭ 211 (-67.29%)
Mutual labels:  numpy, pandas
Bootcamp python
Bootcamp to learn Python for Machine Learning
Stars: ✭ 228 (-64.65%)
Mutual labels:  numpy, pandas
Repository for the projects needed to complete the Data Analyst Nanodegree.
Stars: ✭ 31 (-95.19%)
Mutual labels:  numpy, pandas
Data Science Projects With Python
A Case Study Approach to Successful Data Science Projects Using Python, Pandas, and Scikit-Learn
Stars: ✭ 198 (-69.3%)
Mutual labels:  numpy, pandas
DatScan is an initiative to build an open-source CMS that will have the capability to solve any problem using data Analysis just with the help of various modules and a vast standardized module library
Stars: ✭ 13 (-97.98%)
Mutual labels:  numpy, pandas
Engezny is a python package that quickly generates all possible charts from your dataframe and saves them for you, and engezny is only supporting now uni-parameter visualization using the pie, bar and barh visualizations.
Stars: ✭ 25 (-96.12%)
Mutual labels:  numpy, pandas
A scalable general purpose micro-framework for defining dataflows. You can use it to create dataframes, numpy matrices, python objects, ML models, etc.
Stars: ✭ 612 (-5.12%)
Mutual labels:  numpy, pandas
datascienv is package that helps you to setup your environment in single line of code with all dependency and it is also include pyforest that provide single line of import all required ml libraries
Stars: ✭ 53 (-91.78%)
Mutual labels:  numpy, pandas
A Python Matplotlib, Numpy library to manage wind data, draw windrose (also known as a polar rose plot), draw probability density function and fit Weibull distribution
Stars: ✭ 208 (-67.75%)
Mutual labels:  numpy, pandas
Jetson Containers
Machine Learning Containers for NVIDIA Jetson and JetPack-L4T
Stars: ✭ 223 (-65.43%)
Mutual labels:  numpy, pandas
Awkward 1.0
Manipulate JSON-like data with NumPy-like idioms.
Stars: ✭ 203 (-68.53%)
Mutual labels:  numpy, pandas
Pandas interface for Clickhouse database
Stars: ✭ 126 (-80.47%)
Mutual labels:  clickhouse, pandas
Fashion Recommendation
A clothing retrieval and visual recommendation model for fashion images.
Stars: ✭ 193 (-70.08%)
Mutual labels:  numpy, pandas
Data Science Notebook
📖 每一个伟大的思想和行动都有一个微不足道的开始
Stars: ✭ 196 (-69.61%)
Mutual labels:  numpy, pandas
Data ETL & Analysis on the global and Mexican datasets of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Stars: ✭ 14 (-97.83%)
Mutual labels:  numpy, pandas
A guide to getting started with Data Science and ML.
Stars: ✭ 17 (-97.36%)
Mutual labels:  numpy, pandas


Lib of well explained and minimalistic code solutions @

Quick links

Why we do it and where we go

We're building non-profit opensource code hub, we address following issues:

  • clear simple modern solutions for repeatable coding problems
  • moderated single-standard solutions instead of "here's a list of 25 answers with 125 comments"
  • code parts explanations to fight dumb copy-paste, but educate instead
  • no ads, no paid access, just community contributions and usefulness instead of profits


  • 3 main principles for code pieces here are: simple, modern, minimal
  • Micro solutions are meant to solve specific issue in modern versions of technologies (browsers, compilers, databases, etc.)
  • Solution should be as short and simple as possible
  • Solution should be explained by components (variables, functions, operations, etc.)
  • Image illustrations are welcome

Contributors are welcome


"What if I want to create new folder/technology in onelinerhub repo?"

You are welcome to do it with pull request as long as it is useful technology/solution for engineers

"What if I want to edit some published code?"

You are welcome to do it with pull request as long as it will make the code better (simple, modern, minimal)

"Can I post multi-line code (not a one-liner)?"

Yes, as long as the solution is targeted towards specific problem and is well explained

Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks, for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner. If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].