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pac4j / Pac4j

Licence: apache-2.0
Security engine for Java (authentication, authorization, multi frameworks): OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...

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Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Pac4j

Play Pac4j
Security library for Play framework 2 in Java and Scala: OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
Stars: ✭ 375 (-82.12%)
Mutual labels:  play-framework, ldap, authentication, jwt, authorization, oauth, openid-connect, cas, saml
Spring Webmvc Pac4j
Security library for Spring Web MVC: OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
Stars: ✭ 110 (-94.75%)
Mutual labels:  spring-mvc, ldap, authentication, jwt, authorization, oauth, openid-connect, cas, saml
Spring Security Pac4j
pac4j security library for Spring Security: OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
Stars: ✭ 231 (-88.98%)
Mutual labels:  ldap, authentication, jwt, authorization, oauth, spring-security, openid-connect, cas, saml
Buji Pac4j
pac4j security library for Shiro: OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
Stars: ✭ 444 (-78.83%)
Mutual labels:  ldap, authentication, jwt, authorization, oauth, shiro, openid-connect, cas, saml
Spark Pac4j
Security library for Sparkjava: OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
Stars: ✭ 154 (-92.66%)
Mutual labels:  ldap, authentication, jwt, authorization, oauth, openid-connect, cas, saml
Security library for JAX-RS and Jersey
Stars: ✭ 48 (-97.71%)
Mutual labels:  ldap, oauth, saml, jax-rs, authorization, cas, openid-connect
Security library for Undertow: OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
Stars: ✭ 35 (-98.33%)
Mutual labels:  ldap, oauth, saml, authorization, cas, openid-connect
Spring Security React Ant Design Polls App
Full Stack Polls App built using Spring Boot, Spring Security, JWT, React, and Ant Design
Stars: ✭ 1,336 (-36.29%)
Mutual labels:  spring-mvc, authentication, jwt, authorization, spring-security
Caddy Auth Portal
Authentication Plugin for Caddy v2 implementing Form-Based, Basic, Local, LDAP, OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0 (Github, Google, Facebook, Okta, etc.), SAML Authentication
Stars: ✭ 291 (-86.12%)
Mutual labels:  ldap, authentication, jwt, openid-connect, saml
🔥Authing - IDaaS/IAM solution that can Auth to web and mobile applications.
Stars: ✭ 247 (-88.22%)
Mutual labels:  ldap, jwt, oauth, openid-connect, saml
A simple and efficient open-source security framework that focus on protection of restful api.
Stars: ✭ 254 (-87.89%)
Mutual labels:  authentication, jwt, authorization, spring-security, shiro
OpenAM is an open access management solution that includes Authentication, SSO, Authorization, Federation, Entitlements and Web Services Security.
Stars: ✭ 476 (-77.3%)
Mutual labels:  ldap, oauth, saml, authorization
MaxKey is Single Sign On(SSO) System,Leading-Edge Enterprise-Class open source IAM(Identity and Access management) product.
Stars: ✭ 274 (-86.93%)
Mutual labels:  jwt, oauth, cas, saml
Hello World web application in 39 different ways in Java
Stars: ✭ 18 (-99.14%)
Mutual labels:  dropwizard, play-framework, vertx, spring-mvc
Sample Spring Oauth2 Microservices
some examples that show basic and more advanced implementations of oauth2 authorization mechanism in spring-cloud microservices environment
Stars: ✭ 109 (-94.8%)
Mutual labels:  jwt, authorization, oauth, spring-security
Cloudfront Auth
An AWS CloudFront [email protected] function to authenticate requests using Google Apps, Microsoft, Auth0, OKTA, and GitHub login
Stars: ✭ 471 (-77.54%)
Mutual labels:  authentication, jwt, authorization, openid-connect
Mern Boilerplate
Fullstack boilerplate with React, Redux, Express, Mongoose, Passport Local, JWT, Facebook and Google OAuth out of the box.
Stars: ✭ 112 (-94.66%)
Mutual labels:  authentication, jwt, authorization, oauth
.NET DevPack Identity is a set of common implementations to help you implementing Identity, Jwt, claims validation and another facilities
Stars: ✭ 165 (-92.13%)
Mutual labels:  authentication, jwt, authorization, oauth
Play Silhouette
Silhouette is an authentication library for Play Framework applications that supports several authentication methods, including OAuth1, OAuth2, OpenID, CAS, 2FA, TOTP, Credentials, Basic Authentication or custom authentication schemes.
Stars: ✭ 826 (-60.61%)
Mutual labels:  play-framework, authentication, oauth, cas
Spring Boot Webflux Jjwt
Example Spring Boot and WebFlux (Reactive Web) with Spring Security and JWT for token Authentication and Authorization
Stars: ✭ 71 (-96.61%)
Mutual labels:  authentication, jwt, authorization, spring-security

pac4j is an easy and powerful security engine for Java to authenticate users, get their profiles and manage authorizations in order to secure web applications and web services.

It provides a comprehensive set of concepts and components. It is based on Java 8 and available under the Apache 2 license. It is available for most frameworks/tools and supports most authentication/authorization mechanisms.

Available implementations (Get started by clicking on your framework):

Spring Web MVC (Spring Boot)JEEApache ShiroSpring Security (Spring Boot)Play 2.xVertx

Spark JavaJavalinRatpackPippoUndertowJooby

CAS serverJAX-RSDropwizardLagomAkka HTTPApache Knox

Authentication mechanisms:

OAuth (Facebook, Twitter, Google...) - SAML - CAS - OpenID Connect - HTTP - Google App Engine - Kerberos (SPNEGO/Negotiate)

LDAP - SQL - JWT - MongoDB - CouchDB - IP address - REST API

Authorization mechanisms:

Roles/permissions - Anonymous/remember-me/(fully) authenticated - Profile type, attribute

CORS - CSRF - Security headers - IP address, HTTP method


The latest released version is the Maven Central, available in the Maven central repository. The next version is under development.

Read the documentation for more information.

Need help?

You can use the mailing lists or the commercial support.

Supported by

CAS in the cloud The CAS and pac4j consulting company

Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks, for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner. If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].