Top 98 vertx open source projects

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Cloudopt Next
A simple and modern Java and Kotlin vert.x web framework
Modern Clojure HTTP server and client built for ease of use and performance
Jax Rs Performance Comparison
⚡️ Performance Comparison of Jax-RS implementations and embedded containers
Hibernate Reactive
A reactive API for Hibernate ORM, supporting non-blocking database drivers and a reactive style of interaction with the database.
Vertx Blueprint Todo Backend
Vert.x Blueprint Project - A reactive todo-backend implementation using Vert.x and various persistence
Security engine for Java (authentication, authorization, multi frameworks): OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
Vert.x is a tool-kit for building reactive applications on the JVM
Vertx Rx
Reactive Extensions for Vert.x
Vertx Maven Starter
Maven project template for Vert.x
Vertx In Action
Examples for the Manning "Vert.x in Action" book
Vertx Feeds
Feed aggregator using Vert.x 3 (showcase)
Vertx Kue
Vert.x Blueprint Project - Vert.x Kue, a priority task queue powered by Vert.x
Annotation layer on top of Vert.x 3
Knot.x is a highly-efficient and scalable integration framework designed to build backend APIs
Nassh Relay
Relay Server for the Secure Shell Chromium plugin
Advanced Vertx Guide
A gentle guide for advanced Vert.x users
Pure 100% java reactive-style client-side webpages with POJO traffic, jUnit GUI testing, declarative view-on-model, automatic browser reloading and more.
Vert.x web and commandline application to import CSV/XLS/XLSX files into ElasticSearch.
Vertx Gradle Plugin
An opinionated Gradle plugin for Vert.x projects
Vertx Gradle Starter
Gradle project template for Vert.x
Angular Vertxbus
AngularJS 1.x service wrapper for the Vert.x Event Bus
The distributed object storage server used by PitchPoint Solutions to securely store billions of large and small files using minimal resources. Object data is stored in replicated volumes implemented like Facebooks Haystack Object Store. Object metadata which essentially maps an object name to a volume position is stored in an elasticsearch index.
Gravitee Gateway - API Management - OpenSource API Gateway
Vertx router with JAX-RS
Moved to GitLab:
Vertx Lang Clojure
Vert.x Clojure support
Sample Vertx Microservices
Two applications in different branches illustrates how to create asynchronous microservices with Vert.x, Consul and MongoDB, and how to secure them with Vert.x OAuth2 module and Keycloak
一言·古诗词 API (Hitokoto API),随机返回一条古诗词名句。采用 Vert.x + Redis 全异步开发,毫秒级稳定响应。
✭ 975
Douyin Crawler
抖音爬虫. 通过手机代理爬取用户的作品和用户的喜欢
Java Vertx Web
OpenTracing instrumentation for Vert.x web package
Vertx Eventbus Java
A Vert.x EventBus client written in Java, works on Android
Vertx React Example
Simple test of using Vert.x and React for server-side rendering
Vertx Web
HTTP web applications for Vert.x
MySQL Proxy using Java NIO based on Sharding SQL,Calcite ,simple and fast
Vertx Sql Client
High performance reactive SQL Client written in Java
🚀 fast JavaScript 4 Eclipse Vert.x
Vertx Blueprint Microservice
Vert.x Blueprint Project - Micro-Shop microservice application
SirixDB is a temporal, evolutionary database system, which uses an accumulate only approach. It keeps the full history of each resource. Every commit stores a space-efficient snapshot through structural sharing. It is log-structured and never overwrites data. SirixDB uses a novel page-level versioning approach called sliding snapshot.
Vertx Guide For Java Devs
Vert.x 3 guide for Java developers
Realtime Client Server Framework for the JVM, supporting WebSockets with Cross-Browser Fallbacks
Vertx Jooq
A jOOQ-CodeGenerator to create vertx-ified DAOs and POJOs.
Vertx integration with tracing libraries
Mongo Client for Eclipse Vert.x
1-60 of 98 vertx projects