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Top 110 openid-connect open source projects

🔥Authing - IDaaS/IAM solution that can Auth to web and mobile applications.
An open-source, standards-compliant, and flexible OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.x framework for ASP.NET Core
The ultimate Python library in building OAuth, OpenID Connect clients and servers. JWS,JWE,JWK,JWA,JWT included.
.NET client for the Auth0 Authentication & Management APIs.
Nginx Sso
SSO authentication provider for the auth_request nginx module
OIDC (OpenID Connect) Example for
OpenID/Connect server based on IdentityServer4
Security engine for Java (authentication, authorization, multi frameworks): OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
Spark Pac4j
Security library for Sparkjava: OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
BeyondCorp-inspired Access Proxy. Secure internal services outside your VPN/perimeter network during a zero-trust transition.
Identityserver4 Example
Example IdentityServer 4 Implementation
Appauth Android
Android client SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.
Django Auth Adfs
A Django authentication backend for Microsoft ADFS and AzureAD
OpenID Certified™ OpenID Connect and OAuth Provider written in Go - cloud native, security-first, open source API security for your infrastructure. SDKs for any language. Compatible with MITREid.
Node Oidc Provider
OpenID Certified™ OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server implementation for Node.js
Extensible security first OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect SDK for Go.
React Oidc Client Js
OpenID Connect (OIDC) client with React and typescript
Express Openid Connect
An Express.js middleware to protect OpenID Connect web applications.
Reactjs Ts Identityserver
Demo app for using Identity Server with React.js SPA, .Net Core 3.0 and TypeScript
Apple id
Sign in with Apple backend library in Ruby
IdentityBase is a Universal Identity Platform for web, mobile and IoT built on top of IdentityServer.
Nginx Openid Connect
Reference implementation of OpenID Connect integration for NGINX Plus
Reactive Spring Security 5 Workshop
Hands-On workshop for securing a reactive spring boot 2 application in multiple steps
🗝️ Passwordless OIDC authentication done right
Shibboleth Oidc
OpenID Connect support for the Shibboleth Identity Provider v3
Appauth Ios
iOS and macOS SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.
Traefik Forward Auth
Minimal forward authentication service that provides Google/OpenID oauth based login and authentication for the traefik reverse proxy
Oidc Workshop Spring Io 2019
Workshop at Spring I/O 2019 on "Securing Microservices with OpenID Connect and Spring Security 5.1"
Authenticate people on your Discord servers and give them roles automatically. All-in-one server back-end, Discord bot and front-end. Works with Google, Microsoft and any OpenID Connect provider.
Node Openid Client
OpenID Certified™ Relying Party (OpenID Connect/OAuth 2.0 Client) implementation for Node.js.
Django Oidc Rp
A server side OpenID Connect Relying Party (RP, Client) implementation for Django.
🔧 ASP.NET Core 3 & Angular 8 Administration Panel for 💞IdentityServer4 and ASP.NET Core Identity
.NET standard helper library for claims-based identity, OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect.
Mod auth openidc
OpenID Connect Relying Party implementation for Apache HTTP Server 2.x
Appauth Js
JavaScript client SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.
Auth0 Spa Js
Auth0 authentication for Single Page Applications (SPA) with PKCE
kubectl plugin for Kubernetes OpenID Connect authentication (kubectl oidc-login)
Cloudfront Auth
An AWS CloudFront [email protected] function to authenticate requests using Google Apps, Microsoft, Auth0, OKTA, and GitHub login
Buji Pac4j
pac4j security library for Shiro: OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
Redux Oidc
A package for managing OpenID Connect authentication in ReactJS / Redux apps
Play Pac4j
Security library for Play framework 2 in Java and Scala: OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
Openid connect
OpenID Connect Server & Client Library
Django Oidc Provider
OpenID Connect and OAuth2 provider implementation for Djangonauts.
Certified C#/NetStandard OpenID Connect Client Library for native mobile/desktop Applications (RFC 8252)
OAuth 2.0 server and client; OpenID Connect Provider (OP) & UMA Authorization Server (AS)
1-60 of 110 openid-connect projects