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brh55 / React Native Open Maps

Licence: mit
🗺 A simple react-native library to perform cross-platform map actions (Google or Apple Maps)

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Travis David npm

🗺 A simple cross-platform library to help perform map actions to the corresponding device's map (Google or Apple Maps)

react-native-open-maps works by creating a deep link for either Apple maps or Google maps that can be used to open up the relevant map application. In order to maximize compatibility some platform specific parameters are omitted, but simplifies development efforts and ensures a smooth user experience.


  • ✅ Open the map coordinates immediately
  • ✅ Create a delayed invoked function that will open the map
  • ✅ Create a string of the map link
  • Cross-compatible properties among both map applications

Demo Gif


  1. Install the repository
    $ npm install --save react-native-open-maps
  2. Add an import to the top of your file
    import openMap from 'react-native-open-maps';
  3. Put it all together
    import React, { Component } from 'react';
    import { Button } from 'react-native';
    import openMap from 'react-native-open-maps';
    export default class App extends Component {
      _goToYosemite() {
        openMap({ latitude: 37.865101, longitude: -119.538330 });
      render() {
        return (
            title="Click To Open Maps 🗺" />
  4. BONUS: You can also create delayed functions for more of that 1 - 1 mapping flavor 🍦.
import { createOpenLink } from 'react-native-open-maps';

const yosemite = { latitude: 37.865101, longitude: -119.538330 };
const openYosemite = createOpenLink(yosemite);
const openYosemiteZoomedOut = createOpenLink({ ...yosemite, zoom: 30 });

const facebookHQ = { latitude: 37.4847, longitude: 122.1477 };
const openFacebookHQ = createOpenLink(facebookHQ);

// Condensed for Readability...
    render() {
        return (
            title="Go to Yosemite 🏔" />
            title="Go to Facebook HQ 🕋" />


default function open(options)

react-native-open-maps immediately opens the map of the coordinates and the settings

{ createOpenLink(options) }

Creates a delayed invoked function to open the map. This is useful for binding functions to onPress() in a succinct manner. Think of it like ... function openToMe() { open(coordinates) }

{ createMapLink(options) }

Creates the raw link for the map.


🔑 Italicize indicates optional

Properties Type Description Example
latitude number The latitude 37.865101
longitude number The longitude -119.538330
zoom number The zoom level, only works with latitude and longitude 18
Default: 15
provider string
If no provider set, it will determine according to Platform.OS apple
query string Will act according to the map used. Refer to query property "Yosemite Trail"
travelType enumeration : [drive, walk,public_transport] Use this parameter in conjunction with start and end to determine transportation type. Default is drive "drive"
start string that geolocation can understand The start location that can be interpreted as a geolocation, omit if you want to use current location / "My Location". See Apple and Google docs for more details on how to define geolocations. "New York City, New York, NY"
end string that geolocation can understand. The end location that can be interpreted as a geolocation. See Apple and Google docs for more details on how to define geolocations. "SOHO, New York, NY"
navigate_mode string
Determines whether map should open in preview mode or in navigate mode (with turn-by-turn navigation).
This parameter only works in conjunction with end. Platform map uses current location as start parameter
default: "preview"

Note: Combining query with latitude and longitude will override the query parameter.

Map Actions

To perform certain map actions refer these necessary parameters

  • Setting Directions: end, [ start, travelType ]
  • Display Map Around Coordinates: latitude + longitude, [ zoom ]
  • Query Map For Location: query
Query Property

The query behavior differs per platform:

  • Apple Maps: If latitude and longitude is provided, this will place a marker with the query as a label. If no latitude or longitude is provided, it will center map to closest query match.
  • Google Maps: Will override latitude and longitude if present and center map to closest query match. Without a query, you may however use <latitude>,<longitude> as a string value in the query to have a unnamed marker on the map.


MIT © Brandon Him

Shameless Plug 🔌

If you like this repository, check out my other react-native projects or follow me for other open-source projects:

  • react-native-masonry: A pure JS react-native component to render a masonry~ish layout for images with support for dynamic columns, progressive image loading, device rotation, on-press handlers, and headers/captions.
  • react-native-hero: A super duper easy hero unit react-native component with support for dynamic image, dynamic sizing, color overlays, and more
  • rn-component-cookbook: A open-source cookbook with recipes for handling everyday issues when building robust, modular react-native components
  • generator-rnc: A yeoman generator to scaffold a ready-to-go, open-source react-native component (Jest, Package dependencies, Travis, etc)
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