Top 336 maps open source projects

Road Orientation Map
A visualization of road orientations on an interactive map
🌍🌏🌎 The whole world fits inside your cloud!
Atlas Of Thrones
An interactive "Game of Thrones" map powered by Leaflet, PostGIS, and Redis.
Modern webmapping with OpenLayers, Leaflet and React
A list of awesome open source projects Vladimir Agafonkin is involved in.
πŸ”ƒ An ordered map in Go with amortized O(1) for Set, Get, Delete and Len.
Go Staticmaps
A go (golang) library and command line tool to render static map images using OpenStreetMap tiles.
Java API for using Google Maps within a JavaFX application.
Osm Liberty
A free Mapbox GL basemap style for everyone
Polyline encoder / decoder in swift
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CARTO Python package for data scientists
Mapbox Plugins Android
Mapbox Android Plugins are a collection of libraries that extend our other SDKs, helping you design powerful mapping features while the plugins handle most of the heavy lifting.
JavaScript 3d maps and geospatial data visualization engine library.
Ember Leaflet
πŸ”₯ πŸƒ Easy and declarative mapping for ember
Some code for generating topographic contour maps.
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React Native Open Maps
πŸ—Ί A simple react-native library to perform cross-platform map actions (Google or Apple Maps)
R Gis Tutorial
Spatial data in R: using R as a GIS
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Openrouteservice App
πŸš™ The open source route planner app with plenty of features.
Airbnb Android Google Map View
This is a sample Android Application which has Google Map view similar to what AirBnb Android Application. Moving Markers like Uber/Ola. Custom Google Search for places. Recycler view with Animations added.
Google Maps
Google Maps Web Services API wrapper for .NET
React Native Maps
React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android
React Map Interaction
Add map like zooming and dragging to any element
A set of code samples for the Azure Maps web control.
Collection of Abhishek Agrawal's gists solutions for problems on
Map editor for pokeemerald, pokefirered, and pokeruby
Mapfish Print
A component of MapFish for printing templated cartographic maps. This module is the Java serverside module. For support post to the mailing list:!forum/mapfish-print-users
A simple yet highly configurable bot that tweets geotagged aerial imagery of a random location in the world.
Augmented reality social network, an underworld of discussion and information to every street.
Android Maps Ktx
Kotlin extensions (KTX) for the Maps SDK and Utility Library for Android
An OpenStreetMap-based project for creating a map of the world's railway infrastructure.
Geodataviz Toolkit
The GeoDataViz Toolkit is a set of resources that will help you communicate your data effectively through the design of compelling visuals. In this repository we are sharing resources, assets and other useful links.
Country Iso
πŸ—Ί Get the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code from geographic coordinates.
Pure Maps
Maps and navigation
Mapbox Gl Native Android
Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android powered by vector tiles and OpenGL
Visual Map Maker and Level Editor for the game Celeste
A modest, but cozy home for your map tiles
Maps Api For Javascript Examples
Self-contained examples for Maps API for JavaScript v3.
Here Android Sdk Examples
Java-based projects using the HERE SDK for Android.
Free Android Map Place Picker alternative using Geocoder instead of Google APIs
An almost plug and play replacement for Google's Place Picker
Awesome Maps
There is more than google: A collection of great online maps πŸŒπŸ—ΊπŸŒŽ
Scripts and a Docker container to maintain your own OpenStreetMap planet, terrain tiles, & Valhalla Tilepacks
Eon Map
Realtime maps with PubNub and MapBox.
Renders MKPolyline with a fancy multicoloured gradient fill
This is a collection of over two hundred code samples an growing for the Bing Maps V8 web control.
FireShodanMap is a Realtime map that integrates Firebase, Google Maps and Shodan. A search is carried out using Shodan searching vulnerable devices and they are showed on the map for analysis. All data updated in Firebase are Realtime.
A JavaScript library for digital storytelling with web maps.
Osmscout Server
Maps server providing tiles, geocoder, and router
Yii2 Google Maps Library
Google Maps API library for Yii2
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Complete Google Map Api Tutorial
Learn How to use Google Map API for Android from Basic to Advance with complete examples.
User-friendly, commercial-grade software for processing aerial imagery. πŸ›©
NAVER Maps JavaScript API v3
1-60 of 336 maps projects