All Projects → Marvelheroes → Similar Projects or Alternatives

2318 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Marvelheroes

Android application to manage SSH and GPG keys on GitHub written in Kotlin.
Stars: ✭ 15 (-98.18%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
Demo / Sample Android Project created with Jetpack Compose and MVI Architecture Pattern
Stars: ✭ 114 (-86.2%)
Mutual labels:  room, retrofit2
A sample Android application📱 built with Kotlin for #30DaysOfKotlin
Stars: ✭ 53 (-93.58%)
Mutual labels:  coroutines, retrofit2
🐔🏀【停止维护,已使用Jetpack+Mvvm重构】根据鸿神提供的WanAndroid开放Api来制作的产品级玩安卓App,采用Kotlin语言,基于Material Design+AndroidX +MVP+RxJava+Retrofit等框架开发,注释超详细,方便大家练手
Stars: ✭ 674 (-18.4%)
Mutual labels:  material-design, retrofit2
MVP Android Template to give you a Quick Head Start for your next Android Project. It implements MVP Architecture using Dagger2, Room, RxJava2 , Retrofit2
Stars: ✭ 20 (-97.58%)
Mutual labels:  room, retrofit2
Stars: ✭ 21 (-97.46%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2, databinding
A Retrofit 2 adapter for Kotlin Flows.
Stars: ✭ 41 (-95.04%)
Mutual labels:  coroutines, retrofit2
The Rick And Morty - MVVM with a clean architecture approach using some of the best practices in Android Development.
Stars: ✭ 45 (-94.55%)
Mutual labels:  room, coroutines
Noted app for android
Stars: ✭ 78 (-90.56%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, material-components
Stars: ✭ 19 (-97.7%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
JustJava is a mock food ordering and delivery application for a coffee shop.
Stars: ✭ 59 (-92.86%)
Mutual labels:  coroutines, mvvm-architecture
Android Mdc Theming
Sample code used for a series of Medium posts on Material Components for Android
Stars: ✭ 388 (-53.03%)
🌁 An Unsplash app for iOS
Stars: ✭ 1,025 (+24.09%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, mvvm-architecture
Simple MVVM practice repository for very very beginners. You don't need to know about Dagger, Coroutine or Rx for understanding MVVM and this project. To check the MVVM Architecture Bengali Tutorial visit my blog site
Stars: ✭ 32 (-96.13%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2, mvvm-architecture
Business Search App Java
Showcases object oriented programming in Java, Java Swing, Kotlin, and Android
Stars: ✭ 53 (-93.58%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
Your personal finance manager
Stars: ✭ 46 (-94.43%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
🔥🔥🔥 Compose、Lce、MVVM、深色模式、横屏、无网弱网适配、Room、Hilt、多语言切换,目前Android最新的库基本全用上了,你想要的都有🔥🔥🔥
Stars: ✭ 120 (-85.47%)
Mutual labels:  room, mvvm
⚽ Football App using MVVM, LiveData, RxJava2, DI, Room, Repository Patern
Stars: ✭ 17 (-97.94%)
Mutual labels:  dependency-injection, mvvm
Android Architecture Components Mvvm Retrofit Java
This repository contains Android Architecture Components ( LiveData , View Model and MVVM pattern with retrofit for consuming rest api )
Stars: ✭ 63 (-92.37%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
An android sample project using Jetpack libraries and MVVM design pattern
Stars: ✭ 17 (-97.94%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
Kotlin Architecture Components Notes Demo
Example of Android Architecture Components which implements MVVM Pattern and written in Kotlin
Stars: ✭ 103 (-87.53%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
A gorgeous TMDb client for Android
Stars: ✭ 103 (-87.53%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, material-design
Blockchain Tracker
A blockchain market tracking app. Example implementation of reactive clean architecture and testing.
Stars: ✭ 30 (-96.37%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Mvvm Architecture
The practice of MVVM + Jetpack architecture in Android.
Stars: ✭ 1,634 (+97.82%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, mvvm-architecture
Android Inappbilling
A sample which uses Google's Play Billing Library and it does InApp Purchases and Subscriptions.
Stars: ✭ 114 (-86.2%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, mvvm-architecture
Mentorship Android
Mentorship System is an application that matches women in tech to mentor each other, on career development, through 1:1 relations during a certain period of time. This is the Android application of this project.
Stars: ✭ 117 (-85.84%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Android login application with form validation and Database storage made using MVVM and Data binding
Stars: ✭ 19 (-97.7%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
iOS TV Shows app with TMDb Api. RxSwift, MVVM, Clean Architecture. Tuist + Swift Package Manager
Stars: ✭ 27 (-96.73%)
Mutual labels:  dependency-injection, mvvm
Step-by-step guide on Kotlin Multiplatform
Stars: ✭ 86 (-89.59%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, mvvm-architecture
This project will help you build a chat app by using the Socket IO library.
Stars: ✭ 36 (-95.64%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, mvvm-architecture
🔥Android Github客户端,基于组件化开发,支持账户密码与认证登陆。使用Kotlin语言进行开发,项目架构是基于JetPack&DataBinding的MVVM;项目中使用了Arouter、Retrofit、Coroutine、Glide、Dagger与Hilt等流行开源技术。
Stars: ✭ 128 (-84.5%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
working with Stack OverFlow Api
Stars: ✭ 24 (-97.09%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
Stars: ✭ 565 (-31.6%)
Mutual labels:  coroutines, mvvm
WanAndroid 客户端,采用 Kotlin 语言编写,项目使用 JetPack-MVVM 架构,采用 Retrofit + Coroutines + Coil 等开源框架开发。
Stars: ✭ 21 (-97.46%)
Mutual labels:  coroutines, mvvm
Automatically track websites changes on Android in background.
Stars: ✭ 563 (-31.84%)
Mutual labels:  room, material-design
Clean Notes
Clean Architecture by layer
Stars: ✭ 259 (-68.64%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm-architecture, retrofit2
Coroutines Flows Modularised
Clean Architecture Modular Project: MVVM + Coroutines+ Flows + Dagger2 + LiveData + UnitTests + UITests + MockWebServer
Stars: ✭ 166 (-79.9%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
Firestore & firebase storage MVVM sample
Stars: ✭ 28 (-96.61%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, material-design
🎬Application that displays a list of Movies and Tv Series using Modern Android Application Development tools and API's
Stars: ✭ 29 (-96.49%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2, mvvm-architecture
Customizable and Open Source Launcher for Android
Stars: ✭ 73 (-91.16%)
Mutual labels:  room, mvvm
T Mvp
Android AOP Architecture by Apt, AspectJ, Javassisit, based on Realm+Databinding+MVP+Retrofit+Rxjava2
Stars: ✭ 2,740 (+231.72%)
Mutual labels:  material-design, databinding
Code samples for the book Professional C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 (with updates for 2.1), Wrox Press
Stars: ✭ 403 (-51.21%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, dependency-injection
Mvvm Juejin
高仿"掘金Android App": databinding + kotlin + rx 的优雅实践。(持续打磨中~)
Stars: ✭ 403 (-51.21%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
An implementation of tap targets from the Material Design guidelines for feature discovery.
Stars: ✭ 5,114 (+519.13%)
PlainUPnP is an upnp control point application for android.
Stars: ✭ 33 (-96%)
Mutual labels:  coroutines, mvvm
💖 ASP.NET Core 6.0 全家桶教程,前后端分离后端接口,vue教程姊妹篇,官方文档:
Stars: ✭ 3,542 (+328.81%)
Mutual labels:  dependency-injection, repository
[开源项目] 一款程序员日常放松的App,基于Material Design + MVP-Clean + Weex + Flutter + RxJava2 + Retrofit + Dagger2 + Glide + Okhttp + MTRVA + BRVAH + 炫酷控件 + 炫酷动画
Stars: ✭ 294 (-64.41%)
Mutual labels:  material-design, retrofit2
The most beautiful SMS messenger for Android
Stars: ✭ 3,519 (+326.03%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, material-design
Kickstart your next Android Application in 10 seconds.
Stars: ✭ 280 (-66.1%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm-architecture, databinding
Open Api Android App
Kotlin, MVI Architecture, Dagger2, Retrofit2, Coroutines, Room Persistence, REST API, Token Authentication
Stars: ✭ 324 (-60.77%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm-architecture, retrofit2
Ios Clean Architecture Mvvm
Template iOS app using Clean Architecture and MVVM. Includes DIContainer, FlowCoordinator, DTO, Response Caching and one of the views in SwiftUI
Stars: ✭ 753 (-8.84%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, mvvm-architecture
Quasar Framework - Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces in record time
Stars: ✭ 20,090 (+2332.2%)
Kotlin Multiplatform Router for Android and iOS
Stars: ✭ 328 (-60.29%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, mvvm-architecture
Android Architecture Components Kotlin
Sample used to practice Kotlin and Android Architecture Components.
Stars: ✭ 326 (-60.53%)
Mutual labels:  room, repository
Elm Mdc
Elm port of the Material Components for the Web CSS/JS library
Stars: ✭ 338 (-59.08%)
Loopback Next
LoopBack makes it easy to build modern API applications that require complex integrations.
Stars: ✭ 3,972 (+380.87%)
Mutual labels:  dependency-injection, repository
👕基于MVVMHabit框架,结合阿里ARouter打造的一套Android MVVM组件化开发方案
Stars: ✭ 857 (+3.75%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
🔥 iOS 利用MVVM + RAC + ViewModel-Based Navigation来搭建微信(WeChat 7.0.0+)的整体基本架构,以及实现微信朋友圈、通讯录、下拉小程序、搜索等主要功能,代码规范惊为天人、注释详解令人发指、细节处理精益求精、核心功能配备文档、接近98%还原度的原生App视觉体验,代码不多,注释多。(持续更新,敬请期待,欢迎Star和Fork…)
Stars: ✭ 870 (+5.33%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, mvvm-architecture
Experimenting with MVVM, Koin and Repository pattern in a simple TODO app.
Stars: ✭ 29 (-96.49%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2, mvvm-architecture
Android app to fetch issues for a given repository
Stars: ✭ 34 (-95.88%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2, mvvm-architecture
241-300 of 2318 similar projects