All Projects → Vertx Maven Starter → Similar Projects or Alternatives

1231 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Vertx Maven Starter

Hsweb Iot Cloud
Stars: ✭ 258 (+91.11%)
Mutual labels:  vertx
Bug Bounty Responses
A collection of response templates for invalid bug bounty reports.
Stars: ✭ 46 (-65.93%)
Mutual labels:  template
Opinionated Next.js starter by Dogstudio
Stars: ✭ 66 (-51.11%)
Mutual labels:  starter
Ghost Theme Template
A project scaffold for building ghost themes using gulp, node-sass, & autoprefixer
Stars: ✭ 91 (-32.59%)
Mutual labels:  template
🚀 Free NextJS Landing Page Template written in Tailwind CSS 3 and TypeScript ⚡️ Made with developer experience first: Next.js 12 + TypeScript + ESLint + Prettier + Husky + Lint-Staged + VSCode + Netlify + PostCSS + Tailwind CSS
Stars: ✭ 521 (+285.93%)
Mutual labels:  starter
👔 A collection of cv and resume templates written in LaTeX. Leave an issue if your language is not supported!
Stars: ✭ 1,027 (+660.74%)
Mutual labels:  template
The ultimate Java library for Troy Hunt's ';-- Have I Been Pwned (v3).
Stars: ✭ 13 (-90.37%)
Mutual labels:  maven
Golang Gin Realworld Example App
Exemplary real world application built with Golang + Gin
Stars: ✭ 1,780 (+1218.52%)
Mutual labels:  starter
常用的模式、方法、算法。Common patterns and methods.
Stars: ✭ 59 (-56.3%)
Mutual labels:  maven
heroku deployable webpacked phaser3 template with for multi or single player games
Stars: ✭ 44 (-67.41%)
Mutual labels:  template
A minimal Aurelia starter kit written in TypeScript and built using webpack.
Stars: ✭ 28 (-79.26%)
Mutual labels:  starter
A full implementation of the heloufir/security-starter with an Angular 7+ front-end implementation, with a laravel 5.8.* server
Stars: ✭ 37 (-72.59%)
Mutual labels:  starter
A Template for Bootstrap 4 based on my Bootstrap 4 Layouts course on LinkedIn Learning
Stars: ✭ 44 (-67.41%)
Mutual labels:  template
Maven RPM builder plugin
Stars: ✭ 46 (-65.93%)
Mutual labels:  maven
Awesome Beamers
beamer template collection
Stars: ✭ 121 (-10.37%)
Mutual labels:  template
Java 服务端api解决方案,处理部分通用业务逻辑。包括用户中心,支付,订单,IM相关,内容管理,角色权限授权。以及分库分表的处理,RPC分布式的解决方案等。一个人慢慢做
Stars: ✭ 14 (-89.63%)
Mutual labels:  maven
React Redux Starter Kit
My best-practices-included universal frontend starter kit
Stars: ✭ 1,018 (+654.07%)
Mutual labels:  starter
An angular4 starter with webpack2+aot+lazyload+hmr+scss(个人搭的angular4 starter,使用webpack2,包含aot、lazyload、scss、热替换功能等等)
Stars: ✭ 23 (-82.96%)
Mutual labels:  starter
Codrops Dropcast
a responsive HTML/CSS/Javascript template, comes with Sketch files and a fully working site with SCSS. It works very well for podcasts landing pages or blogs, and can be easily customized.
Stars: ✭ 91 (-32.59%)
Mutual labels:  template
Stars: ✭ 13 (-90.37%)
Mutual labels:  maven
Django Preserialize
Convert your model instances and querysets into dicts and list with style.
Stars: ✭ 42 (-68.89%)
Mutual labels:  template
A Java API that provides an easy-to-use way to store data using the YAML format.
Stars: ✭ 68 (-49.63%)
Mutual labels:  maven
Libsass Maven Plugin
libsass wrapper for maven
Stars: ✭ 114 (-15.56%)
Mutual labels:  maven
Hadoop MapReduce word counting with Java
Stars: ✭ 18 (-86.67%)
Mutual labels:  maven
Spring Jms
Spring JMS Tutorials
Stars: ✭ 42 (-68.89%)
Mutual labels:  maven
Simple 11ty setup using TypeScript, SASS, Preact with partial hydration, and other useful things. Aims to provide the DX of Gatsby, but using 11ty!
Stars: ✭ 38 (-71.85%)
Mutual labels:  starter
Portfolio Template
An Open-Sourced Template for developers to show-off there skills. Made with ReactJS
Stars: ✭ 52 (-61.48%)
Mutual labels:  template
Maven plugin which creates Open PGP / GPG signatures for all of the project's artifacts
Stars: ✭ 34 (-74.81%)
Mutual labels:  maven
laravel+vue.js 前后端分离实战项目(项目中wx端等已经存在,因为涉及业务较多,不再更新到github 需要参考可以私聊我)
Stars: ✭ 41 (-69.63%)
Mutual labels:  template
Vertx In Action
Examples for the Manning "Vert.x in Action" book
Stars: ✭ 134 (-0.74%)
Mutual labels:  vertx
Sample Maven project with a Jenkinsfile doing git-flow based release management
Stars: ✭ 47 (-65.19%)
Mutual labels:  maven
Wetech Cms
wetech cms是本人自己整合开发的一套内容管理系统。旨在开发一个通用的、可持续开发集成的、方便扩展的cms系统,目前主要用来替代本人的wordpress博客
Stars: ✭ 40 (-70.37%)
Mutual labels:  maven
🎃A lightweight game server framework. Based on Springboot and Netty. Using ProtoBuf as communication between client and server.
Stars: ✭ 23 (-82.96%)
Mutual labels:  maven
♨️ Spring Boot 2 + Angular 11 + HTML5 router mode + HTTP interceptor + Lazy loaded modules
Stars: ✭ 89 (-34.07%)
Mutual labels:  maven
🧪 Play with SpringBoot 2, JWT, Querydsl, GraphQL, Docker, ELK, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Redis, MongoDB, Flyway, Maven, Gradle, TestNG, JUnit5, JaCoCo, GreenMail, CI, Quality Gates, Prometheus, Gatling, etc.
Stars: ✭ 26 (-80.74%)
Mutual labels:  maven
Admin Template Night
Tailwind CSS Starter Template - Admin Dashboard Template (Night Mode)
Stars: ✭ 40 (-70.37%)
Mutual labels:  template
Compute Maven project artifacts/dependencies/files checksum digests.
Stars: ✭ 36 (-73.33%)
Mutual labels:  maven
MVP Android App Template Ultimate Android Template MVP // Dagger 2 // Boilerplate // Bootstrap // Bottom Navigation Menu Material Design
Stars: ✭ 114 (-15.56%)
Mutual labels:  template
Stars: ✭ 35 (-74.07%)
Mutual labels:  maven
Rails Versioned API solution template for hipsters! (Ruby, Ruby on Rails, REST API, GraphQL, Docker, RSpec, Devise, Postgress DB)
Stars: ✭ 39 (-71.11%)
Mutual labels:  starter
Stars: ✭ 23 (-82.96%)
Mutual labels:  maven
Yipack Cli
Stars: ✭ 89 (-34.07%)
Mutual labels:  template
Self Driving RC Car
Stars: ✭ 17 (-87.41%)
Mutual labels:  vertx
Maven Assembly Plugin
Apache Maven Assembly Plugin
Stars: ✭ 39 (-71.11%)
Mutual labels:  maven
基于springboot && springcloud的脚手架,支持服务合并部署与拆分部署、接口加解密签名、日志数据 脱敏、接口数据mock、接口文档自动生成、请求幂等校验、接口日志&&sql日志切面打印、分表分库分布式事务、国际化语言等
Stars: ✭ 167 (+23.7%)
Mutual labels:  starter
Aem Guides Wknd
Tutorial Code companion for Getting Started Developing with AEM Sites WKND Tutorial
Stars: ✭ 121 (-10.37%)
Mutual labels:  maven
A Vert.x/Spring based HTTP reverse-proxy
Stars: ✭ 19 (-85.93%)
Mutual labels:  vertx
Mdb Webpack Starter
Webpack Starter for Material Design for Bootstrap UI Kit based on the latest Bootstrap 5.
Stars: ✭ 39 (-71.11%)
Mutual labels:  starter
Template project for configuring websockets with spring
Stars: ✭ 32 (-76.3%)
Mutual labels:  maven
Gatsby Starter Procyon
An opinionated Gatsby starter designed for trash-eating pandas.
Stars: ✭ 88 (-34.81%)
Mutual labels:  starter
Template for Phoenix 1.3 projects
Stars: ✭ 66 (-51.11%)
Mutual labels:  template
React Native Template Rocketseat Basic
Template básica para aplicações React Native com a estrutura utilizada na Rocketseat 🚀
Stars: ✭ 431 (+219.26%)
Mutual labels:  template
🎉🎉🎉JAVA高级架构师技术栈==任何技能通过 “刻意练习” 都可以达到融会贯通的境界,就像烹饪一样,这里有一份JAVA开发技术手册,只需要增加自己练习的次数。🏃🏃🏃
Stars: ✭ 428 (+217.04%)
Mutual labels:  maven
Springboot Templates
springboot和dubbo、netty的集成,redis mongodb的nosql模板, kafka rocketmq rabbit的MQ模板, solr solrcloud elasticsearch查询引擎
Stars: ✭ 100 (-25.93%)
Mutual labels:  starter
Maven Build Scanner
Know your build - so you can make it faster
Stars: ✭ 61 (-54.81%)
Mutual labels:  maven
Koa Rest Api Boilerplate
💯 Boilerplate for Node.js Koa RESTful API application with Docker, Swagger, Jest, CodeCov and CircleCI
Stars: ✭ 420 (+211.11%)
Mutual labels:  template
Gatsby Starter Bee
🐝Full Package | Simple | Fresh UI | Blog Template :: Let's start to blogging with gatsby-starter-bee!
Stars: ✭ 416 (+208.15%)
Mutual labels:  starter
Action Maven Publish
📦 GitHub Action for automatically publishing Maven packages
Stars: ✭ 66 (-51.11%)
Mutual labels:  maven
spring cloud最佳实践项目实例,使用了spring cloud全家桶,TCC事务管理,EDA事务最终一致性等技术的下单示例
Stars: ✭ 418 (+209.63%)
Mutual labels:  maven
Phaser Ce Npm Webpack Typescript Starter Project
Project to get you started with your Phaser-CE (using the npm module) game using Typescript and Webpack for building! No hassle asset management, Google Web Font loader, live server, development vs distribution build pipeline, Electron packaging for desktop builds, and more...
Stars: ✭ 414 (+206.67%)
Mutual labels:  template
601-660 of 1231 similar projects