posquit0 / Koa Rest Api Boilerplate
Licence: mit
💯 Boilerplate for Node.js Koa RESTful API application with Docker, Swagger, Jest, CodeCov and CircleCI
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Boilerplate for Node.js Koa RESTful API application with Docker, Swagger, Jest, CodeCov, and Circle CI
Koa REST API Boilerplate is a highly opinionated boilerplate template for building RESTful API application with Koa.
This boilerplate include the following features:
- Logging to STDOUT/STDERR stream using Pino
- A super small and optimized Docker image based on Node.js Alpine image
- Swagger API documentation based on JSDoc
- Continuous integration and delivery using CircleCI
- Unit Test and Integration Test along with Test Coverage using Jest testing framework
Getting Started
$ git clone https://github.com/posquit0/koa-rest-api-boilerplate your-project-name
$ cd your-project-name
$ rm -rf .git && git init
$ yarn
$ yarn start
# Run normally
$ yarn start
# Run the application with nodemon for development
$ yarn dev
# Test
$ yarn test # Run all test
$ yarn test:unit # Run only unit test
$ yarn test:integration # Run only integration test
# Test (Watch Mode for development)
$ yarn test:watch # Run all test with watch mode
$ yarn test⌚️unit # Run only unit test with watch mode
$ yarn test⌚️integration # Run only integration test with watch mode
# Test Coverage
$ yarn test:coverage # Calculate the coverage of all test
$ yarn test:coverage:unit # Calculate the coverage of unit test
$ yarn test:coverage:integration # Calculate the coverage of integration test
# Test consistent coding style (Lint)
$ yarn lint # Lint all sourcecode
$ yarn lint:app # Lint app sourcecode
$ yarn lint:test # Lint test sourcecode
$ yarn pack
All test for this boilerplate uses following tools.
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Bug Reports & Feature Requests
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Self Promotion
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See Also
- koa-logging - A middleware that logs request and response with Pino.
- koa-request-id - A middleware that generates a unique Request ID for every incoming HTTP request.
- koa-http-client - A middleware that attachs HTTP client to communicate with the context during inter-service communications.
Provided under the terms of the MIT License.
Copyright © 2017-2019, Byungjin Park.
Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks,
for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner.
If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].