All Git Users → Phantas0s

9 open source projects by Phantas0s

1. .dotfiles
🎆 Arch Linux with i3 / nvim / tmux / urxvt / zsh / ...
2. Alexandria Library
📝 My method to capture, study, and recall interesting knowledge
3. Devdash
🍱 Highly Configurable Terminal Dashboard for Developers and Creators
4. playground
🎉 Learning notes and experiments
5. gocket
💼 CLI / TUI for Pocket
6. purification
Very minimal Zsh prompt without any dependency
7. ArchInstall
💻 Personnal install scripts for my development environment
8. ottosocial
👍 ottosocial is a CLI to schedule tweets via CSV
9. questions-job-interview
🏢 List of questions I might ask during an interview for a software developer job
1-9 of 9 user projects