All Git Users → brunch

20 open source projects by brunch

1. Terser Brunch
A javascript minifier for brunch files.
✭ 120
3. Sass Brunch
Adds Sass / Scss support to brunch
4. Auto Reload Brunch
Adds automatic browser reloading support to brunch.
✭ 86
5. Postcss Brunch
Adds PostCSS support to brunch
✭ 52
6. Eslint Brunch
Adds ESLint support to Brunch
✭ 12
7. Brunch
🍴 Web applications made easy. Since 2011.
8. clean-css-brunch
A CSS minifier for brunch stylesheets
✭ 18
9. iced-coffee-script-brunch
DEPRECATED. Adds IcedCoffeeScript support to Brunch
11. todos
DEPRECATED. Todos app (backbone example) rewritten in brunch
13. brunch-with-chaplin-js
JavaScript version of popular Chaplin skeleton for
14. dead-simple
Dead-simple brunch skeleton. No opinions, just empty dirs and minimal configs.
15. brunch-guide-demos
A series of demo Brunch projects for an in-depth article about it
16. brunch-with-chaplin
Boilerplate application for Brunch with Chaplin framework included.
17. simple-js-skeleton
Simple Brunch with js skeleton app
18. twitter
Simple twitter client built with brunch.
19. javascript-brunch
DEPRECATED. Adds JavaScript support to Brunch
✭ 13
20. react-brunch
DEPRECATED. Adds React.js support to brunch.
1-20 of 20 user projects