All Git Users → hecomi

38 open source projects by hecomi

1. Unitywatersurface
Water Surface Simulation using CutomRenderTexture in Unity 2017.1
2. Uwindowcapture
Unity asset to capture windows and make them available in Unity as Texture2D.
✭ 158
3. Unityscreenspaceboolean
Screen Space Boolean Implementation for Unity.
4. Mmd4mecanim Lipsync Plugin
LipSync and TTS Plugin for MMD4Mecanim
✭ 103
5. Uosc
OSC server / client implementation for Unity
✭ 95
6. Uraymarchingexamples
Examples using uRaymarching (
✭ 93
7. Unityecsboidssimulation
Simple Boids simulation example using Unity ECS.
✭ 84
8. Node Mecab Async
Asynchronous japanese morphological analyser using MeCab.
9. Ushadertemplate
Unity editor extension to generate shaders from template files.
10. Uwintab
Wintab API plugin for Unity
11. Node Julius
Node.js module for voice recognition using Julius
12. Udllexporter
Tool to build DLLs in Unity.
✭ 63
13. Uchromakey
Chroma key shader asset for Unity
14. Node Execsync
node.js で shell コマンドを同期的に実行するアドオンです
✭ 8
15. Unityremotedesktopduplication
An Unity example to send a desktop image to a remote PC using Desktop Duplication API and NVENC/NVDEC.
✭ 24
16. Hmdinputmodule
Unity VR cursor module
✭ 5
17. Uraymarching
Raymarching Shader Generator in Unity
18. Urepl
In-game powerful REPL environment for Unity3D.
✭ 418
19. Udesktopduplication
Desktop Duplication API implementation for Unity (only for Windows 8/10)
✭ 352
20. NodejsUnity
Run Node.js automatically when Unity application starts, and they communicate with each other.
21. node-openjtalk
Node.js TTS module using OpenJTalk
22. node-wemo
Belkin 社の WeMo を操作する Node モジュールです
23. UWO
Unity WebGL x WebSocket MMO demo
24. uTouchInjection
Windows Multitouch Injection Plugin for Unity.
25. tsubakumi2
Home Automation System for @hecomi room
26. UnityFurURP
Fur shader implementation for URP
27. UnityPseudoInstancedGPUParticles
GPU Particles w/ Screen Space Collision Example.
29. UnityRaymarchingForward
Example of raymarching in forward rendering for Unity
30. Unity-WebGL-3D-Chat
Unity5 WebGL x Socket.IO = Online 3D Chat on the web browser!
31. CyalumeLive
Unity でシェーダを使って 20,000 人がサイリウムを音楽に合わせて振るデモです。
32. VrGrabber
VR Grabber components for Unity
33. UnityRaymarchingCollision
Raymarching x Rigidbody interaction example.
34. UnityScreenSpaceReflection
Simple Screen Space Reflection Implementation.
35. uCurvedScreen
Curved-sreen shader aseet for Unity.
36. uLipSync
MFCC-based LipSync plug-in for Unity using Job System and Burst Compiler
37. HLSLToolsForVisualStudioConfigGenerator
Create shadertoolsconfig.json for Unity project
38. UnityRaymarchingSample
Unity3D Raymarching Simple Implementation.
1-38 of 38 user projects