Top 289 Mathematica open source projects

1. Nasa 3d Resources
Here you'll find a growing collection of 3D models, textures, and images from inside NASA.
✭ 2,380
2. Mathics
This repository is for archival. Please see
3. Book
A textbook on informal homotopy type theory
4. M13checkbox
A customizeable checkbox for iOS
5. Snns
Tutorials and implementations for "Self-normalizing networks"
6. H2o
H2O - the optimized HTTP/1, HTTP/2, HTTP/3 server
8. Usd
Universal Scene Description
9. PuzzleTunnelDiscovery
Source code for SIGGRAPH 2020 Paper "C-Space Tunnel Discovery for Puzzle Path Planning"
10. 360Controller
Updated driver for wired & wireless Xbox 360 Controllers for Mac OS X 10.10.
11. SymForth
SymForth is SymEngine with Forth wrapper, a.k.a. Phoscript -- a fast symbolic manipulation library, written in C++, now with Reverse Polish Notation support.
14. TouchVisualizer
Overlay and gesture recognizers for seeing and using 3D Touch force properties
15. archives
Old sources, for historical/nostalgic purposes
16. mathematica-tools
One-off tools and packages
17. MLClass
Introduction to Machine Learning class taught at ISU, Fall 2020 to Spring 2021
18. neopz
An object oriented finite element programming environment
19. HRBF-Skin
Implementation of Vaillant et. al. "Implicit Skinning: Real-Time Skin Deformation with Contact Modeling"
GHOST (the Geophysical High-Order Suite for Turbulence) is an accurate and highly scalable pseudospectral code that solves a variety of PDEs often encountered in studies of turbulent flows.
22. sbml-test-suite
The SBML Test Suite is a conformance testing system. It allows developers and users to test the degree and correctness of the SBML support provided in a software package.
23. NPBayesHMM
Nonparametric Bayesian Inference for Sequential Data. Includes state-of-the-art MCMC inference for Beta process Hidden Markov Models (BP-HMM). Implemented in Matlab.
24. OASIS matlab
No description, website, or topics provided.
25. mathics-core
An open-source Mathematica. This repository contains the Python modules for WL Built-in functions, variables, core primitives, e.g. Symbol, a parser to create Expressions, and an evaluator to execute them.
26. wifilocator
Masters Thesis: Indoor Smartphone location and tracking using Particle Filters
27. supermodeling
30. Rampancy
A new level editor for the Halo games based on a CSG/Brush workflow, similar to Source/Quake level editing.
31. Security
No description, website, or topics provided.
32. AnimFace
A plugin created for Maya for the transfer of motion capture data onto 3D facial models using RBF algorithms
33. MIRP
MolSSI Integral Reference Project
34. nadoka
IRC server client program.
35. Starbreach
Xenko GDC 2017 demo (by Silicon Studio)
37. speakerIdentificationNeuralNetworks
⇨ The Speaker Recognition System consists of two phases, Feature Extraction and Recognition. ⇨ In the Extraction phase, the Speaker's voice is recorded and typical number of features are extracted to form a model. ⇨ During the Recognition phase, a speech sample is compared against a previously created voice print stored in the database. ⇨ The hi…
38. FairyGUI-cryengine-examples
A flexible UI framework for CryEngine
39. ML-CM-2019
Machine Learning in Condensed Matter Physics 2019 course repository
40. UnityToolchainsTrick
提供一些UnityEditor工具链开发的常用小技巧与示例(Provides some common tips and examples for developing the UnityEditor toolchain)
41. Grid
Data parallel C++ mathematical object library
43. escuela invierno computo cuantico
La Escuela de Invierno está dirigida al público egresado o que cursa alguna de las carreras de Ciencias o Ingenierías.
46. medium def layers
Supporting files and figures for my Medium article, Deformation Layering in Maya’s Parallel GPU World
47. iltcme
Inverse Laplace transform based on concentrated matrix-exponential functions
48. fmm2d
This codebase is a set of libraries to compute N-body interactions governed by the Laplace and Helmholtz equations, to a specified precision, in two dimensions, on a multi-core shared-memory machine.
49. OpenCascadeLink
Open source package for OpenCascadeLink, which is bundled with Wolfram Language products as of version 12.1
50. SeQuant
SeQuant: second quantization toolkit
1-50 of 289 Mathematica projects