All Git Users → ivanceras

16 open source projects by ivanceras

1. Spongedown
Markdown with svg bob support
2. Svgbob
Convert your ascii diagram scribbles into happy little SVG
5. Curtain
Moved to
✭ 144
6. Sauron
Sauron is an html web framework for building web-apps. It is heavily inspired by elm.
7. Sakila
Sakila sample database for each database platform
✭ 77
8. Codegenta
Generate source code for your models which corresponds from the database tables
✭ 15
9. Sauron Native
Truly cross platform, truly native. multiple backend GUI for rust
11. rust-vim-setup
Setting up vim to be used in rust development
✭ 194
12. restq
Compacting the SQL into the URL rest API
✭ 43
13. ivancerust
Unlimited detail voxel engine in rust
✭ 31
14. futureostech
a simplified demo of futuristic UI
✭ 12
15. balisong
Voxel renderer using raytracing, written in rust
16. titik
A cross platform minimalistic text user interface
1-16 of 16 user projects