6 open source projects by wq

1. Django Data Wizard
🧙⚙️ Import structured data (e.g. Excel, CSV, XML, JSON) into one or more Django models via an interactive web-based wizard
2. Wq
📱🌐📋 wq: a modular framework supporting web / native geographic data collection apps for mobile surveys and citizen science. Powered by Django REST Framework, Redux, React, and Material UI.
3. Wq.db
☁🌐 wq's db library, extending Django REST framework to support apps for geospatial field data collection, citizen science, and crowdsourcing.
4. Wq.app
💻📱 wq's app library: a JavaScript framework powering offline-first web & native apps for geospatial data collection, mobile surveys, and citizen science. Powered by Redux, React, Material UI and Mapbox GL.
5. Django Rest Pandas
📊📈 Serves up Pandas dataframes via the Django REST Framework for use in client-side (i.e. d3.js) visualizations and offline analysis (e.g. Excel)
6. html-json-forms
Python implementation of the (inactive) HTML JSON Forms spec.
1-6 of 6 user projects