Top 40 wizard open source projects

Django Data Wizard
🧙⚙️ Import structured data (e.g. Excel, CSV, XML, JSON) into one or more Django models via an interactive web-based wizard
React Hooks Helper
A custom React Hooks library that gives you custom hooks for your code.
🐾 jQuery Stepy - A Wizard Plugin
React Use Wizard
🧙 A React wizard (stepper) builder without the hassle, powered by hooks.
🐜 React forms with ease! Composable, headless & with built-in multi steps
🐍 A quick and easy way to distribute your Python projects!
Wizard for documenting ontologies. WIDOCO is a step by step generator of HTML templates with the documentation of your ontology. It uses the LODE environment to create part of the template.
Angular2 Wizard
Angular2 - Form Wizard Component
Ember Steps
Declaratively create wizards, tabbed UIs, and more
Jquery Wizard
A powerful jquery plugin for creating step-by-step wizards. Work great with bootstrap.
Library for easy creation of custom and Aero Wizards. Aero Wizard strictly follows Microsoft guidelines and uses Visual Styles to get visual theming.
Entityframework Reverse Poco Generator Ui
A simple UI to allow you to easily select which tables you want the EntityFramework Reverse POCO Code First Generator to use.
Larawiz is a easy project scaffolder for Laravel
React Albus
✨ React component library for building declarative multi-step flows.
React Native Stager
A performant wizard-like multi stages component for React Native without a router
Jquery Smartwizard
The awesome jQuery step wizard plugin
Arch Linux Desktop Installer : tutorial installer
Vue Good Wizard
An easy and clean VueJS 2.x wizard plugin
Angular Archwizard
A wizard component for Angular 9+
Ask permissions with ready-use interface. You can check status permission and if it has been requested before. Support SwiftUI.
This script is a setup wizard for a new cacti installation
🏆 The most expected has arrived, a package for Angular that facilitates us to improve the experience of our users when guiding them in our interface
instant git magic and tricks
Add walkthrough of contentful blocks to your application
The Abstract Toolkit – a widget toolkit for GUI and text-mode applications.
🎩 Easy to use step-by-step form for Nette Framework
The wizard UI pattern implemented using yii2-workflow
SHAFT is an MIT licensed test automation engine. Powered by best-in-class frameworks like Selenium WebDriver, Appium & RestAssured it provides a wizard-like syntax to increase productivity, and built-in wrappers to eliminate boilerplate code and to ensure your tests are extra stable and your results are extra reliable.
🔮 The first impression matters. The firstrunwizard is the first Nextcloud impression.
1-40 of 40 wizard projects