All Git Users → yokawasa

9 open source projects by yokawasa

1. Scrapy Azuresearch Crawler Samples
Scrapy as a Web Crawler for Azure Search Samples
3. logstash-output-azure loganalytics
Azure Log Analytics output plugin for Logstash
✭ 25
7. action-setup-kube-tools
Github Action that setup Kubernetes tools (kubectl, kustomize, helm, kubeconform, conftest, yq, rancher, tilt, skaffold) very fast and cache them on the runner. Please [✩Star] if you're using it!
8. kubectl-plugin-ssh-jump
A kubectl plugin to access nodes or remote services using a SSH jump Pod
9. databricks-notebooks
Collection of Sample Databricks Spark Notebooks ( mostly for Azure Databricks )
1-9 of 9 user projects