zonetoolzonetool, a fastfile linker for various Call of Duty titles.
FCommunitymulti Checkers (Hma/Hulu/Spotify/Call of duty/Instagram/smtp2go/VyprVpn) in One Tool Named FCommunity
JekyllCall of Duty XAsset exporter that dumps raw assets from a game's memory.
CoD-SCZ-FoV-ChangerA non-multiplayer field of view changer for various Call of Duty games which also works for online co-op.
HydeCall of Duty XAsset compiler that transforms raw assets into digestible data.
CallofDuty.pyAsynchronous, object-oriented Python wrapper for the Call of Duty API.
open-iw5Experimental MW3 singleplayer & multiplayer client
cod-apiA thin Call of Duty API wrapper written in TypeScript