MippMIPP is a portable wrapper for SIMD instructions written in C++11. It supports NEON, SSE, AVX and AVX-512.
BusBus 是一个基础框架、服务套件,它基于Java8编写,参考、借鉴了大量已有框架、组件的设计,可以作为后端服务的开发基础中间件。代码简洁,架构清晰,非常适合学习使用。
Echarts PhpEcharts-PHP a PHP library that works as a wrapper for the Echarts js library
NimteropNimterop is a Nim package that aims to make C/C++ interop seamless
AlertiftSwifty, modern UIAlertController wrapper.
Await Ofawait wrapper for easier errors handling without try-catch
HololensartoolkitMarker tracking using the front-facing camera of HoloLens (both 1 and 2) and Unity, with a wrapper of ARToolKit built for UWP (Windows Universal Platform)
NodehunThe Hunspell binding for NodeJS that exposes as much of Hunspell as possible and also adds new features. Hunspell is a first class spellcheck library used by Google, Apple, and Mozilla.
ZenpyPython wrapper for the Zendesk API
Api structAPI wrapper builder with response serialization
Flutter wrapperFlutter execution wrapper which keeps the flutter version in sync for each project
W32A wrapper of Windows APIs for Go
Uniswap Python🦄 The unofficial Python client for the Uniswap exchange.
Testura.codeTestura.Code is a wrapper around the Roslyn API and used for generation, saving and compiling C# code. It provides methods and helpers to generate classes, methods, statements and expressions.
FbrecogAn unofficial python wrapper for the Facebook face recognition endpoint
JaffreeJava ffmpeg and ffprobe command-line wrapper
SwiftdbA modern database abstraction layer, batteries included.
Qt5.crQt5 bindings for Crystal, based on Bindgen
ProtontricksA simple wrapper that does winetricks things for Proton enabled games, requires Winetricks.
WikiWikipedia Interface for Node.js
NopaginateAndroid pagination library (updated 01.05.2018)
TdlNode.js bindings to TDLib.
Ksprefs🚀⚡ Kotlin SharedPreferences wrapper & cryptographic preferences android library.
Config4kA Kotlin wrapper for Typesafe Config
ImageflowA simple wrapper of TensorFlow for Converting, Importing (and Soon, Training) Images in tensorflow.
Spaces ApiAn API wrapper for DigitalOcean's Spaces object storage designed for easy use.
Mailchimp ApiSuper-simple, minimum abstraction MailChimp API v3 wrapper, in PHP
Apriltag rosA ROS wrapper of the AprilTag 3 visual fiducial detector
T14m4tAutomated brute-forcing attack tool.
Zstd RsA rust binding for the zstd compression library.
Py Kaldi AsrSome simple wrappers around kaldi-asr intended to make using kaldi's (online) decoders as convenient as possible.
LuwraMinimal-overhead C++ wrapper for Lua
Vue AxiosA small wrapper for integrating axios to Vuejs
GlHeader-only C++17 wrapper for OpenGL 4.6 Core Profile.
HeedA fully typed LMDB/MDBX wrapper with minimum overhead
Ytdlrc☁️ Downloads videos and metadata with youtube-dl and moves each file on completion to an rclone remote
PacaptrPacman-like syntax wrapper for many package managers.
Asana Api Php ClassA dependency free, lightweight PHP class that acts as wrapper for Asana API. Lets make things fast and easy! :)
MastodonkitMastodonKit is a Swift Framework that wraps Mastodon's API
Libfaketimelibfaketime modifies the system time for a single application
DukglueA C++ binding/wrapper library for the Duktape JavaScript interpreter.