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Top 5 ionic2-examples open source projects

Some examples of how to use google maps javascript API on a Ionic application and use HTML5 geolocation.
In this ionic tutorial you will learn how to access the image gallery and take pictures from an ionic app. Also we will show you how to add a image cropper. This ionic tutorial includes a working ionic app example you can reuse for your needs.
This repository contains complete source code for Ionic 3 tutorial from I will try many Ionic 3 specific scripts and will write them as separate tutorial. You can follow this repo to get more tested and working script for the Ionic 3.
ionic2-example <吃乎>一款美食app 🍜 ☕️ 🍦 (This is a support android and apple ionic2 case, a food app)
1-5 of 5 ionic2-examples projects