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Top 188 geolocation open source projects

Cities of the world in Json, based on GeoNames Gazetteer
I See You
ISeeYou is a Bash and Javascript tool to find the exact location of the users during social engineering or phishing engagements. Using exact location coordinates an attacker can perform preliminary reconnaissance which will help them in performing further targeted attacks.
ASN / RPKI validity / BGP stats / IPv4v6 / Prefix / URL / ASPath / Organization / IP reputation and geolocation lookup tool / Traceroute server
fast python package for finding the timezone of any point on earth (coordinates) offline
React Geolocation
🌎🛰 Declarative geolocation for React
CLAVIN (Cartographic Location And Vicinity INdexer) is an open source software package for document geoparsing and georesolution that employs context-based geographic entity resolution.
Mercury is a hacking tool used to collect information and use the information to further hurt the target
Geohashes in proximity
Use Position
🌍 React hook usePosition() for fetching and following a browser geolocation
Fastest IP To Country Library
Wi-Fi Geolocation Spoofing with the ESP8266
OwnTracks' iPhone App
Taiwan's Weather Maps! 想查詢每個地方的天氣嗎!?藉由 Google Maps API 的地圖服務,以及中央氣象局網站的天氣預報,讓你快速輕鬆的查詢台灣 368 個鄉鎮的天氣概況!
Flutter geolocation plugin for Android and iOS.
React Geolocated
React Higher-Order Component for using Geolocation API
Shiny geoip
IP to location API service
Manage local photos on Android: gallery, geotag with photomap, privacy, tags, find, sort, view, copy, send, ... .
Libosmscout is a C++ library for offline map rendering, routing and location lookup based on OpenStreetMap data
A Persistent Geospatial Database with Geofencing & Google Maps Support
[DEPRECATED!] 🛑 A JavaScript toolkit that aims to bring interactive GPS driving directions to the mobile browser
Geo Three
Tile based geographic world map visualization library for threejs
Ip2location Go
Use IP2Location geolocation database to lookup the geolocation information with IP2Location Go Package. It can be used to determine country, region, city, coordinates, zip code, time zone, ISP, domain name, connection type, area code, weather, MCC, MNC, mobile brand name, elevation and usage type that any IP address or hostname originates from.
📍 Get your geolocation information using
A library for parsing and creation of GPX location files. Purely Swift.
Set the system timezone based on IP geolocation
Geocache is an in-memory cache that is suitable for geolocation based applications.
Nativescript Geolocation
Geolocation plugin to use for getting current location, monitor movement, etc
Ml Projects
ML based projects such as Spam Classification, Time Series Analysis, Text Classification using Random Forest, Deep Learning, Bayesian, Xgboost in Python
JPX - Java GPX library
Python based framework to retreive Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone (GDELT) version 1.0 and version 2.0 data.
Mmdb Swift
A tiny wrapper for libmaxminddb which allows you to lookup Geo data by IP address.
Laravel Geo Routes
GeoLocation restricted routes for Laravel
Rails plugin that stores the browser geolocation
Indoor Navigation Algorithms
This is a public repository of a Navigine company that develops different kinds of indoor positioning algorithms with the main focus on indoor navigation. Here we will step by step publish the source code of our algorithm starting with trilateration.
React Native Radar
React Native module for Radar, the leading geofencing and location tracking platform
Geo ip
Retreive the geolocation of an IP address based on the webservice
Country Ip Blocks
CIDR country-level IP data, straight from the Regional Internet Registries, updated hourly.
Osint San
Framework для сбора данных из открытых источников. В Framework используется большое количество API, их необходимо зарегистрировать самому.​
Simple library for reading and creating GPX files written in PHP.
Postal code geocoding and distance calculation
connmap is an X11 desktop widget that shows location of your current network peers on a world map (tested only with i3wm). Made with C and libcairo.
Geo Location
Web component element for the Geolocation API
An Instagram OSINT tool to collect all the geotagged locations available on an Instagram profile in order to plot them on a map, and dump them in a JSON.
Geo Recon
An OSINT CLI tool desgined to fast track IP Reputation and Geo-locaton look up for Security Analysts.
Geolocation Python
Geolocation is simple google maps api for python users. This application allows you to get information about given location Application returns such information as: country, city, route/street, street number, reverse geocode, lat and lng, travel distance and time for a matrix of origins and destinations.
Elixir library to find geo location information given an IP address, hostname or Plug.Conn
a geolocation and geofencing library for p5.js
Zipcode Belgium
zip code, longitude / latitude of belgian cities | code postal, longitude / latitude des communes belges
Get ip location information.
Geo-related tools PHP 5.4+ library built atop Geocoder and React libraries
An Observable based abstraction to use Geolocation API with Angular
1-60 of 188 geolocation projects