Top 94 seed open source projects

Electron React Webpack
Electron + React 16 + Webpack 4 template with ES6, JSX and hot reloading.
Elm Examples
📖 Practical examples in Elm
Angular Seed Advanced
Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (*native* mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
Angular Library Seed
🌾 Seed project for Angular libraries that are AOT/JIT compatible and that use external SCSS-styles and HTML-templates
Go Ethereum Hdwallet
Ethereum HD Wallet derivations in Go (golang)
Typescript-mysql-express-angular-node seed for your next web-app!
Minecraft, searching numeric seeds for specific features/biomes
The easiest solution to seed database with Go
Random fake data generator written in go
Fusebox Angular Universal Starter
Angular Universal seed project featuring Server-Side Rendering, @fuse-box bundling, material, firebase, Jest, Nightmare, and more
Angular Electron Seed
An Angular (4+) seed with Electron, Live-reload, AngularCLI, etc.
💰 Currency Converter Calculator with power of Kotlin Multiplatform
Angular Seed Express
[DEPRECATED, Please use] Extensible, reliable and modular starter project for Angular 7 with statically typed build AoT compilation, Express server and PM2 Daemon.
Awesome Seed Rs
A curated list of awesome things related to Seed
Seed Labs
SEED Labs developed in the last 20 years.
Simple Swift library for creating HD cryptocurrencies wallets and working with crypto Coins/ERC20 tokens.
Seed Rs Realworld
Exemplary real world application built with Seed
Spring Boot Api Project Seed
🌱🚀一个基于Spring Boot & MyBatis的种子项目,用于快速构建中小型API、RESTful API项目~
Seed Quickstart Webpack
Template for web apps with Seed (Rust framework), TailwindCSS and Webpack.
Interactive software environment based on Common Lisp.
✭ 71
Deterministic pseudo-random number generator for JavaScript and TypeScript
Torrent To Google Drive Downloader
Simple notebook to stream torrent files to Google Drive using Google Colab and python3.
Starter Kit
📦 Angular 11+ starter kit for enterprise-grade projects
Opengl Seed
⚪🌱A modern OpenGL starter repo that you could use to get the ball rolling.
Typescript Seed
Typescript Seed Project (Angular, Hapi, Cookie Auth, TypeORM, Postgres)
Seed project for Angular Universal apps featuring Server-Side Rendering (SSR), Webpack, CLI scaffolding, dev/prod modes, AoT compilation, HMR, SCSS compilation, lazy loading, config, cache, i18n, SEO, and TSLint/codelyzer
Webpack Starter Basic
A simple webpack starter project for your basic modern web development needs.
Angular Seed
🌱 [Deprecated] Extensible, reliable, modular, PWA ready starter project for Angular (2 and beyond) with statically typed build and AoT compilation
Typeorm Seeding
🌱 A delightful way to seed test data into your database.
📇 A simple and sane fake data generator for C#, F#, and VB.NET. Based on and ported from the famed faker.js.
Ionic 2 + @angular/cli Seed Project : Angular2 + Typescript + Karma + Protractor + Travis
Chrome Extension React Typescript Boilerplate
🔨 A boilerplate project to quickly build a Chrome extension using TypeScript and React (built using webpack).
Angular Native Seed
Build web apps and NativeScript applications from one codebase using the AngularCLI.
Larafy is a Laravel package for Spotify API. It is more like a wrapper for the Spotify API.
Register laravel seeds from a package
Generate random bitcoin wallets, private keys (seeds) and then check if they match a wallet that contains some kind of balance, and then take it. Node.js
Node.js / GraphQL project template pre-configured with TypeScript, PostgreSQL, login flow, transactional emails, unit tests, CI/CD workflow.
The target of this framework is to help in all the needs of a full featured API REST, from top to bottom, and at the same time having the best possible performance and security.
🌐🌱 A starter repo for building WebGL applications.
✖🌱 A DirectX 12 starter repo that you could use to get the ball rolling.
Create and use JSON files to seed your database in your Laravel applications
Preprocessing seismic data: download, format changing, and archiving
Simple dev/prod build for Angular (2+) using gulp, systemjs, rollup, ngc (AOT), scss, Visual Studio
Starter Cookbook for Application Modernization and Replatforming Engagements
Seed data library for Cloud Firestore.
1-60 of 94 seed projects