React DatepickerAn easily internationalizable, accessible, mobile-friendly datepicker library for the web, build with styled-components.
TablefilterA Javascript library making HTML tables filterable and a bit more :)
BlazortableBlazor Table Component with Sorting, Paging and Filtering
Magic GridA simple, lightweight Javascript library for dynamic grid layouts.
Blueprint Css📘 Blueprint CSS is a modern responsive CSS layout library & grid built on top of CSS Grid and Flexbox.
Leerraum.jsA PDF typesetting library with exact positioning and hyphenated line breaking
JqwidgetsAngular, Vue, React, Web Components, Blazor, Javascript, jQuery and ASP .NET Framework,
GriddleSimple Grid Component written in React
React Table⚛️ Hooks for building fast and extendable tables and datagrids for React
React Grid LayoutA draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints, for React.
Vue Easytable🍉 Table Component/ Data Grid / Data Table.Support Virtual Scroll,Column Fixed,Header Fixed,Header Grouping,Filter,Sort,Cell Ellipsis,Row Expand,Row Checkbox ...
Designoverlay AndroidAndroid app which displays design image with grid lines to facilitate the tedious design implementation process
Tubular ReactMaterial UI table with local or remote data-source. Featuring filtering, sorting, free-text search, export to CSV locally, and aggregations.
BarekitA bare minimum responsive framework
GridcalGridCal, a cross-platform power systems solver written in Python with user interface and embedded python console
GrdA CSS grid framework using Flexbox. Only 321 bytes (Gzipped).
IotaA responsive micro-framework for the grid spec powered by CSS custom properties.
Angular2gridsterAngular implementation of well known Gridster (no jQuery, no external libraries, only Angular and Rx.js).
GraafA collection of pure CSS grids for designing your new projects
Flutter colorpickerA HSV(HSB)/HSL color picker inspired by chrome devtools and a material color picker for your flutter app.
GridThis package has moved and renamed
ShuffleCategorize, sort, and filter a responsive grid of items
Angular HandsontableAngular Data Grid with Spreadsheet Look & Feel. Official Angular wrapper for Handsontable.
FancygridFancyGrid - JavaScript grid library with charts integration and server communication.
Angular Grid LayoutResponsive grid with draggable and resizable items for Angular applications.
PrimereactThe Most Complete React UI Component Library
NgridA angular grid for the enterprise
SelenoidSelenium Hub successor running browsers within containers. Scalable, immutable, self hosted Selenium-Grid on any platform with single binary.
Yii2 ExportA library to export server/db data in various formats (e.g. excel, html, pdf, csv etc.)
Flexible GridFlexible grid layouts to get you familiar with building within the flexible grid system.(HTML, CSS, SASS, SCSS)
NiuiLightweight, feature-rich, accessible front-end library
Postcss AntSize-getting function masquerading as a grid system.
Mvc5.gridGrid controls for ASP.NET MVC 5 projects
GridDeclarative React Canvas Grid primitive for Data table, Pivot table, Excel Worksheets and more 💥
EasystarjsAn asynchronous A* pathfinding API written in Javascript.
Tui.grid🍞🔡 The Powerful Component to Display and Edit Data. Experience the Ultimate Data Transformer!
HugridHugrid (Hugo+grid) is a simple grid theme for Hugo. It's a kind of boilerplate to perform anyone or anything quickly. Portfolio, collection, bookmarks, contacts and so on.
Yuki❄️ Responsive masonry style theme for Tumblr.
PopoPoPo is the grid layout tool, the best choice for runtime layout.
BaseguideLightweight and robust CSS framework for prototyping and production code.
The GridGrid layout custom element with drag and drop capabilities
OpenmoleWorkflow engine for exploration of simulation models using high throughput computing