BforartistsBforartists is a fork of the popular 3D software Blender, with the goal to improve the UI.
ElvuiElvUI for World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King (3.3.5a)
GodottieA simple Text Interface Engine to control text output (like in a RPG dialogue) for Godot.
PfuiA User Interface Replacement for World of Warcraft: Vanilla & TBC
Gamestarter🎮 Retrogaming kodi add-on repository for LibreELEC
CartographerA GPU powered Terrain editor and renderer for Godot Engine
Addon Smart Knobs🧠 This Storybook plugin uses @storybook/addon-knobs but creates the knobs automatically based on PropTypes.
Addon JsxThis Storybook addon show you the JSX / template of the story
Addon VscodeVisual Studio Code - Home Assistant Community Add-ons
ResterA REST client for almost any web service (Firefox and Chrome Extension)
Bridge.Minecraft Add-on Editor | We strive to provide the best development experience possible
Min VidPopout video player in Firefox
App Odooapps for odoo 13, odoo 12, odoo 11, odoo 10, odoo 9
OneechanCustomizable rice and themes for 4chan X
Repo PluginsOfficial source repository for Kodi plugin add-ons
Firesshfree, cross-platform SSH terminal client for Firefox and Chrome
MitolLightweight NodeJS http server
AddonClearURLs is an add-on based on the new WebExtensions technology and will automatically remove tracking elements from URLs to help protect your privacy.
ProjectOdoo Project Management and Services Company Addons
Godot Engine.easy ChartsA Godot Engine addon for plotting general purpose charts. A collection of Control, 2D and 3D Nodes to plot every chart possible.
Ff2mpvA Firefox add-on for playing URLs in mpv.
Summernote CleanerPlugin for Summernote that adds a Button and/or Paste functionality for cleaning MS Word Crud from editor text
Ember Web AppNOTICE: official repository moved to add-on to easily use Amazon Dash Buttons with Home Assistant
OfxbulletBullet Physics Wrapper for Openframeworks
LivemarksExtension that restores RSS Feed Livemarks in Firefox.
Godot Engine.github IntegrationA Godot Engine addon to integrate a native GitHub client inside Godot's Editor. Manage your project without even opening your browser!
Lightbeam WeWeb Extension version of the Firefox Lightbeam add-on
BagnonSingle window displays for you items
Swift Selection SearchSwift Selection Search (SSS) is a simple Firefox add-on that lets you quickly search for some text in a page using your favorite search engines.
Storybook AddonDevelop themable components with Emotion/Styled Components/Material-UI with help of Storybook & React Theming
LibrefoxLicense: Mozilla Public License 2.0