Top 77 comments open source projects

News Emotion
📉 金融文本情感分析模型
Laravel Comments
Add comments to your Laravel application
Eslint Plugin Eslint Comments
Additional ESLint rules for directive comments of ESLint.
All In One Customized Adblock List
An all-in-one adblock list that thoroughly blocks trackers, popup ads, ads, unwanted cookies, fake news, cookie warning messages, typosquatters, unwanted comment sections, crypto-coin mining, YouTube clutter, Twitter guff and social network hassles.
Require the reader to pass a quiz before being able to comment on an article
UITableView based component designed to display a hierarchy of expandable/foldable comments.
Flake8 Eradicate
Flake8 plugin to find commented out or dead code
🔥From a little spark may burst a flame.
Comment Spell Checker
Xcode extension for spell checking and auto-correcting code comments.
Comment Snippets
Sublime Text snippets to create fancy PHP, CSS and HTML comments.
Strapi Plugin Comments
A plugin for Strapi Headless CMS that provides end to end comments feature with their moderation panel, bad words filtering, abuse reporting and more.
Pyjson tricks
Extra features for Python's JSON: comments, order, numpy, pandas, datetimes, and many more! Simple but customizable.
Chat Ui Kit React
Build your own chat UI with React components in few minutes. Chat UI Kit from chatscope is an open source UI toolkit for developing web chat applications.
Jamstack Comments Engine
An example of a comments engine you could add to any JAMstack site hosted on Netlify
Java Comment Preprocessor
The Most Powerful Multi-Pass Java Preprocessor
A modern Swift wrapper for Instagram Private API.
Remove Comments Absolutely
WordPress Plugin to deactivate comments functions and remove areas absolute form the WordPress install
Awesome Comment
💥 Funny comments
RStudio addin for formatting Rmarkdown tables
Laravel Disqus
A simple Disqus platform integration with Laravel.
Ghpages Ghcomments
Let GitHub host the comments for your GitHub Pages
Parse Comments
Parse JavaScript code comments. Works with block and line comments, and should work with CSS, LESS, SASS, or any language with the same comment formats.
App comments spider
Extract Comments
Extract JavaScript code comments from a string or glob of files.
cfmt is a tool to wrap Go comments over a certain length to a new line.
Parse Code Context
Parse code context in a single line of javascript, for functions, variable declarations, methods, prototype properties, prototype methods etc.
Parse and output TODOs and FIXMEs from comments in your files
Mouthful is a self-hosted alternative to Disqus
Valine Admin
A simple comment system based on LeanCloud and Valine. 👉
Wp Discourse
WordPress plugin that lets you use Discourse as the community engine for a WordPress blog
Threaded comments for Symfony
🔮 A lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues
Django Comments Xtd
Django comments app with thread support, follow-up notifications, mail confirmation, like/dislike flags and moderation.
A comment system based on GitHub Issues.
Native comments for your Laravel application.
📄 Documented Style Sheets Parser
Disqus React
A React component for Disqus
Universal Reddit Scraper - A comprehensive Reddit scraping command-line tool written in Python.
Smart comment and whitespace cleaner for JavaScript-like files
Lazy load WordPress default commenting system.
A GitHub Action to get the head ref and sha of a pull request comment
Reddit styled threaded comments using Supabase and Next.js
Super slim Jekyll Theme created for math posts with easy mermaid diagram
A comment system for static blog
A program to fetch some comments/pictures from reddit
Generates Markdown from .NET XML documentation comments.
Toggling comments became easier!
Discover how people react to you on GitHub 👍
💬 Comment with a few clicks under a ton of steam profiles & groups!
1-60 of 77 comments projects