Top 375 GDScript open source projects

101. Godot-Helpers
A listing of generic GDScripts
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102. Godot-3.1-Advanced-Save-System
An advanced save-load system for Godot 3.1
103. triple-triad-godot
Re-implementation of Triple Triad from Final Fantasy VIII. Made with Godot 3
104. godot-shaders
My shaders for Godot game engine
105. water2D
Water Shader Project from Shaders Part 1
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106. The-Soulhunter
A MMORPG game prototype made in Godot game engine
107. OpMon-Godot
An open source Pokemon-inspired game, now with Godot
108. health lab
Explore different types of healing mechanics and player health displays using Godot!
109. godot-talk-to-ducky
A silly plugin to help you solve the most impossible of problems with your projects!
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110. syndibox
SyndiBox - A powerful text engine for dialog-heavy Godot projects
111. godot-zeroframe-plugin
A Godot plugin for interacting with the ZeroNet network
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112. eco-state-machine
Finite State Machine script for Godot Engine
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113. LuckyAPI
A modloader for Luck be a Landlord
114. godot-editor-theme-explorer
Godot Editor plugin to browse various items of Editor Theme, such as icons, colors and fonts.
115. castledb-godot
CastleDB for Godot through code generation
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116. godot-pixel-painter
Edit pixel art directly in godot
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118. b01lers-ctf-2020
Public release files for b01lers-ctf
119. Sickomode Godot
my first godot_project
120. Minecraft-Clone
Voxel-based terrain generation and building done in Godot
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121. godot-lod-demo
Demonstration project for the Level of Detail (LOD) Godot 3.x add-on
122. AI4U
AI4U is a multi-engine plugin (Unity and Godot) that allows you to specify agents with reinforcement learning visually. Non-Player Characters (NPCs) of games can be designed using ready-made components. In addition, AI4U has a low-level API that allows you to connect the agent to any algorithm made available in Python by the reinforcement learni…
123. 2planets
🛰 Mini basebuilding space duel game
124. -godot-gj-api
GameJolt API plugin for Godot Engine
125. terrain-tool-godot4
GODOT 4 3D Terrain Editor (C# Plugin)
126. Logic-Circuit-Simulator
A free and open-source Logic Circuit Simulator built in Godot Engine.
127. MouseBoat
A game made with Godot Engine 2.0.1
129. godot-shotgun-party
An evolving multiplayer project for Godot Engine 3.
130. godot-plugin
No description, website, or topics provided.
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131. Virtual-Joystick-Godot
A simple virtual joystick for touchscreens, for both 2D and 3D games, with useful options.
132. moon-cheeser
Moon Cheeser is an infinite runner where the player plays as a mouse gathering cheese pieces and avoiding craters and other astronomical objects, such as comets and planets, on a moon made of cheese.
133. Godot v3.2-Basic Shaders
I have created some basic shaders. These shaders are able to mix to any pictures. Please check out these demonstrations.
134. godothub client
GodotHub Client Class, Multiplayer and network messaging for Godot
135. pixel-bird-jump
🐦 A small flappy-bird-like game demo by Godot engine
136. godot-plugin-refresher
Adds a dropdown and refresh button combo to the toolbar for instantly toggling off/on a plugin. Enables faster workflows for Godot plugin developers.
137. Godot2DTutorial
A Complete Godot 2D Game Step By Step
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138. godot-nightly
A program to download the latest version of Godot Nightly Builds
139. godot-wheeled-vehicle-template
Allows building arbitrary wheeled vehicles in Godot
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140. hitbox-editor
🥊 Create and edit collision box mapping for your game. This tool is focused in fighting and beat 'em up games collision mapping.
141. destructible terrain demo
A simple demo on how to create destructible terrain on Godot.
142. godot-flow-map-shader
Godot game engine asset - A flow map material shader to animate textures
143. godot-modules
A collection of community C++ modules for Godot Engine curated by the Goost project.
144. DialogueEditor
Dialogue editor plugin for Godot Engine
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145. GodotAppodeal
Ads Module for Godot engine 2.0
146. Persistence
Plugin para almacenar datos de forma persistente en Godot Engine 3
147. WaterwaysDemo
Demo project for Waterways add-on
148. Godot-Piano-Transcription-Helper
A tool to analyze music files by frequencies of every piano key, and display them in nice colours.
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149. godot botw grass
Project files for video tutorial.
150. godot-sponza
Sponza demo for Godot 3.x (`master` branch) and 4 (`4.0-dev` branch)
101-150 of 375 GDScript projects