Top 24 KakouneScript open source projects

2. kaktree
File explorer side panel for Kakoune
3. kakoune-find
Find and replace on open buffers
5. dotfiles
My configuration for void linux and river
6. smarttab.kak
Automatic handling different styles of indentation and alignment.
7. luar
Script Kakoune using Lua
10. kakoune-themes
Color schemes for kakoune , extra syntax highlighting and my config
11. wotpp
A small macro language for producing and manipulating strings.
15. kakboard
Clipboard integration for Kakoune
16. dotfiles
dotfiles for linux and darwin mac
17. auto-pairs.kak
Auto-pairing of characters for Kakoune
18. dotfiles
No description, website, or topics provided.
19. one.kak
Atom "One" color schemes for Kakoune.
20. dotfiles
Configurations for bspwm, zsh, tmux, and more
21. kak-ansi
Kakoune support for rendering ANSI-colored text.
22. dotfiles
Personal configuration files for unix-like environments.
24. powerline.kak
Kakoune modeline, but with passion
1-24 of 24 KakouneScript projects