Top 113 Metal open source projects

102. VideoLab
High-performance and flexible video editing and effects framework, based on AVFoundation and Metal.
103. modelio-materials
A demonstration of using the ModelIO material system to render with MetalKit
✭ 43
104. MetalCity
MetalCity - a procedural night city landscape generator
105. DepthPrediction-CoreML
The example of running Depth Prediction using Core ML
106. SwiftShaders
SwiftShaders presents Shaders in Swift on iOS with GLSL, Metal and SceneKit frameworks
✭ 38
107. SCNShadableSky
A demonstration of using SCNProgram for custom rendering and animation of a time-of-day skydome
✭ 19
108. cognimates-training
Platform where kids train their own AI models
109. Shkadov
A multi-platform Swift game engine
✭ 16
110. MetalTest
Glitchless smooth window resizing in Metal
✭ 41
112. BroadcastScratch
Sample of VideoCast-Swift and HaishinKit.
101-113 of 113 Metal projects