Top 64 micropython open source projects

51. Pyboard
The MicroPython board
53. Microwebsrv
A micro HTTP Web server that supports WebSockets, html/python language templating and routing handlers, for MicroPython (used on Pycom modules & ESP32)
54. Picoweb
Really minimal web application framework for the Pycopy project (minimalist Python dialect) and its "uasyncio" async framework
55. Awesome Circuitpython
A curated list of awesome CircuitPython guides, videos, libraries, frameworks, software and resources.
56. Micropython Async
Application of uasyncio to hardware interfaces. Tutorial and code.
57. Trezor Core
🔒 Don't use this repo, use the new monorepo instead:
59. Intellij Micropython
Plugin for MicroPython devices in PyCharm and IntelliJ
60. Microwebsrv2
The last Micro Web Server for IoTs (MicroPython) or large servers (CPython), that supports WebSockets, routes, template engine and with really optimized architecture (mem allocations, async I/Os). Ready for ESP32, STM32 on Pyboard, Pycom's chipsets (WiPy, LoPy, ...). Robust, efficient and documented!
62. Awesome Micropython
A curated list of awesome MicroPython libraries, frameworks, software and resources.
63. Broccoli
Broccoli - distributed task queues for ESP32 cluster
64. Wasp Os
A MicroPython based development environment for smart watches (including Pine64 PineTime)
51-64 of 64 micropython projects