Top 1391 Objective-C++ open source projects

252. javacef
Embed Chromium browser in Java SWT. (Previously
253. arkaflow
Cross-platform mobile game on Android and iOS developed using Cocos2d-x C++.
254. react-native-blob-jsi-helper
A React Native library for accessing an ArrayBuffer of a Blob instance.
255. X1Player
iOS端封装的视频播放器.支持直播,录播视频的播放,支持常用的播放界面控制,类似于ijkplayer 优点是体积更小,使用快捷
256. Airplane 3.0
Wechat Airplane C++ version, powered by Cocos2d-x 3.0 stable version.
257. OSCKit
objc OSC protocol implementation
258. react-native-bottom-sheet
Blazingly performant interactive bottom sheet with snap points support powered by Reanimated 2 🌟 🎉
259. DuiMini
Cross-platform, lightweight DirectUI GUI framework.
260. HAL
Hyperloop® Abstract Layer
262. RSClipperWrapper
A small and simple wrapper for the Clipper library to perform polygon clipping (Swift)
263. Orbit
Cross-platform game engine in C++17
265. XLsn0wPay
XLsn0w WeChat And Alipay SDK Pay Manager 微信支付SDK/支付宝SDK/银联支付/Paypal支付 接入指南(一键支付管理工具类)
266. motion-gosu
RubyMotion (iOS) port of Gosu
267. vrlt
Visual Reconstruction and Localization Toolkit
268. NeuroSkyUnityThinkGearPlugins
No description, website, or topics provided.
269. TelegramAndroid
Fork client of Telegram app for Android.
270. vgplay
A vector shape playing and animation framework for iOS and Android based on TouchVG
271. CocosShader
A Cocos2d-JS v3.9 based demo on Blending Mode Effect && Shader Effect && Grid Effect.
272. opencore-amrDemo-iOS
演示了8Khz wav文件和amr文件互转 和 16Khz wav文件和amr文件互转
273. iMoDevTools2
imodevtools 2 source code ( open source it may help some developers )
274. Sensor-Stream-Pipe
Open Source Sensor Stream Server and Client for Digitizing Reality
275. FlappyBird
278. EPlayer
This is a media player SDK and media player application projects, base on FFmeg and SDL&SDL2. Media Player MediaEngine MediaFramework Framework [开源多媒体引擎 开源播放器 开源多媒体框架 开源播放器框架 开源视频播放器]
279. SpectrumAnalyser
A spectrum analyser plugin, written in C++, using JUCE.
280. fixFlutterEngine
fix flutter engine 官方内存泄漏
283. TransparentWindows
Example of how to create non-rectangular semi-transparent windows (cross-platform)
284. YoungHook
A light weight hook utility for iOS.
285. touchockey
QtQuick2 hockey game using mobile browsers as game controller
286. unity-replay-kit-bridge
Native plugin to use ReplayKit with Unity.
288. HexNanoController iOS
Flexbot Controller App for iOS platform.
289. MLNKV
290. fit-sdk-with-swift
Getting the Garmin FIT SDK to work with Swift was a bit of a bear. This repository has a rudimentary example of getting Swift to play with the C++ SDK. See also
291. tileson
A modern and helpful cross-platform json-parser for C++, used for parsing Tiled maps.
293. Handmade-Hero-Mac-Platform-Layer-Following-Videos
An alternate version of my Mac Platform Layer that follows along with my own Youtube video series
295. perseus
Unlock iPhone with your Apple Watch
296. ofxMultipeerConnectivity
openframeworks addons for iOS MultipeerConnectivity.framework
298. GRNLR
granular synthesis plugin part of my bachelors thesis
299. WeWorkMacPlugin
251-300 of 1391 Objective-C++ projects