MovetoA lightweight scroll animation javascript library without any dependency
Pareto.jsAn extremely small, intuitive and fast functional utility library for JavaScript
YallaYallaJS, ES6 Templating Engine.
ApiMinimal, extremely fast, lightweight Ruby framework for HTTP APIs
Yay Evil Emacs😈 A lightweight literate Emacs config with even better "better defaults". Shipped with a custom theme!
PineA modern, native macOS markdown editor
GunslingerC99, header-only framework for games and multimedia applications
VppModern C++ vulkan utility library.
LibacoA blazing fast and lightweight C asymmetric coroutine library 💎 ⛅🚀⛅🌞
Task EasyA simple, customizable, and lightweight priority queue for promises.
Quick Picture Viewer🖼️ Lightweight, versatile desktop image viewer for Windows. The best replacement for the default Windows photo viewer.
LibuwscA Lightweight and fully asynchronous WebSocket client library based on libev
HerbeDaemon-less notifications without D-Bus. Minimal and lightweight.
V Emoji Picker🌟 A Lightweight and customizable package of Emoji Picker in Vue using emojis natives (unicode).
ImdnLightweight Image Super-Resolution with Information Multi-distillation Network (ACM MM 2019, Winner Award of ICCVW AIM 2019 Constrained SR Track1&Track2)
MuA tweet-sized PHP micro-router
SnackbarA tiny browser library for showing a brief message at the bottom of the screen (1kB gzipped).
TextosaurusCross-platform text editor based on Qt and Scintilla.
LibonnxA lightweight, portable pure C99 onnx inference engine for embedded devices with hardware acceleration support.
DietpiLightweight justice for your single-board computer!
Lfd A Light And Fast DetectorLFD is a big update upon LFFD. Generally, LFD is a multi-class object detector characterized by lightweight, low inference latency and superior precision. It is for real-world appilcations.
HtmrSimple and lightweight (< 2kB) HTML string to React element conversion library
ExchangisExchangis is a lightweight,highly extensible data exchange platform that supports data transmission between structured and unstructured heterogeneous data sources
Jsontreeviewerjson formatter/viewer/pretty-printer (with jsonTree javascript-library)
TaskrA fast, concurrency-focused task automation tool.
XcolorLightweight color picker for X11
Tiny DsodTiny-DSOD: Lightweight Object Detection for Resource-Restricted Usage
Enet⚡️ ENet reliable UDP networking library
Zguizxvnme's graphical user interface
Lightpick(deprecated) Check out the new date picker Litepicker
Wolff🐺 Lightweight and easy to use framework for building web apps.
InstascrapePowerful and flexible Instagram scraping library for Python, providing easy-to-use and expressive tools for accessing data programmatically
CmsGleezCMS - A Light, Simple, Flexible Content Management System
Bonsai🌱 a tiny distro-independent package manager
KrushIdiomatic persistence layer for Kotlin
DaoDao Programming Language
SmtpdA Lightweight High Performance ESMTP email server
Ferolight, fast, scalable, streaming microservices made easy
Ioc🦄 lightweight (<1kb) inversion of control javascript library for dependency injection written in typescript
JsontreeA lightweight vanilla Javascript micro-library for making collapsible trees with JSON
Loglevel📒 Minimal lightweight logging for JavaScript, adding reliable log level methods to wrap any available console.log methods
Redux ZeroA lightweight state container based on Redux
LaminarFast and lightweight Continuous Integration
Lw oopcmodified from
JeelizfacefilterJavascript/WebGL lightweight face tracking library designed for augmented reality webcam filters. Features : multiple faces detection, rotation, mouth opening. Various integration examples are provided (Three.js, Babylon.js, FaceSwap, Canvas2D, CSS3D...).
AxelAxel tries to accelerate the download process by using multiple
connections per file, and can also balance the load between
different servers.
Gccpm Look Into Person Cvpr19.pytorchFast and accurate single-person pose estimation, ranked 10th at CVPR'19 LIP challenge. Contains implementation of "Global Context for Convolutional Pose Machines" paper.
SpectreSpectre.css - A Lightweight, Responsive and Modern CSS Framework
SzlA lightweight, embeddable scripting language
WookieeScala based lightweight service framework using akka and other popular technologies.
Curl一个轻量级的 PHP 网络操作类, 基于 Curl 封装并实现了 Get | Post | Upload | Download 等常用方法。
SplittiesA collection of hand-crafted extensions for your Kotlin projects.