Top 1140 solidity open source projects

352. cashscript
⚖️ Easily write and interact with Bitcoin Cash smart contracts
353. nft-contracts
Open-source NFT contracts used by
354. timber
Construct a Merkle Tree database from Ethereum logs.
355. Deflationary-Token
A BEP20/ERC20 token with deflationary system. Liquidity + Burn + Charity + Rewards
✭ 65
356. pendle-core
Core smart contracts for the Pendle Protocol.
357. dnsregistrar
DNS registrar for ENS
358. HelloWorld
A repository made for fun, aiming Hello World code in all programming languages.
359. Proof-Of-Humanity
Proof-of-Humanity smart contract
⏰💰🤠 Set-it-and-forget-it token subscriptions on the Ethereum mainnet. #Winner #WyoHackathon
361. keep-core
The smart contracts and reference client behind the Keep network
362. bondly-finance
No description, website, or topics provided.
363. plasma-mvp-rootchain
smart contract implementation according to the Plasma MVP spec.
364. upgradable-dapp-toolkit
Contracts for implementation of upgradability patterns
365. how to deploy uniswap
Detailed instructions on how to deploy Uniswap on an Ethereum compatible blockchain
366. NFT-contract
No description, website, or topics provided.
368. pancake-swap-periphery
No description, website, or topics provided.
370. ERC3156
Reference implementations for ERC20 Flash Loans and Flash Mints
371. surrogeth
Tricking frontrunners into doing good
372. univ2-lp-oracle
No description, website, or topics provided.
373. rarity
d20srd reference implementation codified in solidity
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374. opium-contracts
Smart contracts of Opium Protocol v1
375. api3-dao
Implementation of the API3 DAO contracts
376. pb3-gen-sol
Generate solidity decoders from proto3 files
377. pizza-smartcontract
Repository for Rare Pizzas smart contracts
378. optimism-v2
ARCHIVE of monorepo implementing Boba, an L2 Compute solution built on Optimistic Ethereum - active repo is at
379. pancake-swap-core
Core smart contracts
380. TokenChecks
Perform various checks against tokens on-chain with 0 gas and 0 deployments
381. nim-smartcontract
No description, website, or topics provided.
382. kovan-validator-set
Validator set contracts for Kovan network.
383. conviction-voting-app
Aragon app used to collectively allocate funds from a shared treasury 💧
384. OrderStatisticsTree
Solidity - Self-Balancing Binary Search Tree with Order Statistics
385. flashnft
establish a fair, open and simple NFT tool platform
386. arbitrum-dai-bridge
No description, website, or topics provided.
388. Aave-FlashLoan-using-solidity
This contains all the code to execute a successful flash-loan on the Kovan test-net of Ethereum. Flash-loan will be taken from the aave lending pool where will will take 1 DAI as a flash-loan, please keep in mind that you can take very huge flash-loans but make sure you have topped-up enough DAI in to your smart contract i.e. in this instance to…
389. takeover
A contract for placing a takeover bid for an NFT collection
✭ 27
390. ops
Automate arbitrary smart contracts with Gelato Ops
391. merkle-mine
Token distribution based on providing Merkle proofs of inclusion in genesis state to generate allocation
392. arbitrage-bot
An arbitrage bot that detects arbitrage opportunities between pancake and bakery swaps and manages flash swap calls, to the flash swap contract
393. parser
A Solidity parser for JS built on top of a robust ANTLR4 grammar
394. distributed-governance
Definitions and bibliographies for governance and blockchains
395. fuel-v1-contracts
⚡ The Fuel optimistic rollup in Yul+ for the Ethereum Virtual Machine
396. charged-particles-universe
Solidity Contracts for the Charged Particles Universe
397. cryptoblades
No description, website, or topics provided.
398. ERC223Token
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 19
399. verifyIPFS
Solidity library for verifying IPFS hashes
✭ 97
400. is-valid-signature
EIP1271 signature checker implementation in JavaScript
351-400 of 1140 solidity projects