Top 2826 Vim Script open source projects

452. nvim-ghost.nvim
👻 GhostText plugin for Neovim with zero dependencies 🎉 Supports neovim running inside WSL too! 🥳 Windows/Linux/macOS supported out-of-the-box! 😄 (Other OSes need python3.6+ installed)
453. neovim-vifm
A neovim plugin to use vifm like netrw and NERDTree.
454. jq.vim
Syntax highlighting for jq files in vim/neovim
457. lantern-theme
Brown-Orange colour theme, and userCSS styles for different websites and services.
458. vim-keeppad
🍵 Keep padding!
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Vim Script
460. kde-dev-scripts
Scripts and setting files useful during development of KDE software
462. rulesets
Simple Event Correlator ruleset repository
464. config
config files (home/) and essential tools to self-build (src/)
466. dotfiles
tadsan@zonuexe's dotfiles (.emacs, .zsh*, .profile... etc.)
467. config
A collection of personalised linux config files
468. vim-textobj-functioncall
The vim textobject plugin to treat function-call regions.
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469. refactor-rails.vim
A vim plugin which helps to refactor rails based projects
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470. dotfiles
Mac, Vim, Bash, etc.
472. vorange
A minimalistic dark Vim color scheme
476. vizardry
A vim plugin manager for lazy people
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478. trevdev
My dotfiles and development configurations
479. jai.vim
Vim syntax highlighting for Jai programming language. I am planning to maintain and update this package when the language is released
480. DEC
Development Environment Config. Work faster than ever with my dotfiles
481. vim-addon-nix
some scripts assisting wirting .nix files
482. nvim-luaref
Add a vim :help reference for lua
483. vinimum
My vim distribution
484. dotfiles
My shareable dotfiles
486. vim-toop
Add custom behaviour to your text objects
487. imagetools
Tools for creating SmartOS images
488. vim-stamp
A vim plugin that replaces the currently selected text with the text in the delete register
489. dotfiles
🏡 .files, including zsh, tmux, vim, and git. Also macOS setup. Good stuff.
490. lightline-gruvbox.vim
A lightline.vim theme for gruvbox
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491. ycm simple conf
YouCompleteMe Simple Configuration
492. vim-obsoleted
Please use vim/vim. Vim came to github.
493. vim-fz
Ultra Fast Fuzzy Finder for Vim8
494. drex.nvim
Another directory/file explorer for Neovim written in Lua
495. dotfiles
dotfiles for vim, bash, git, irb, tmux
496. notes syntax vim
Save your study notes with .notes extension and open in vim for cool syntax highlighting
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497. voxel cone tracing
No description, website, or topics provided.
498. system
Declarative NixOS system configuration for all my machines
499. readablefold.vim
A Vim plugin to improve foldtext for better looks
500. vim-tmux-resizer
Resize tmux panes and vim splits with same shortcuts
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Vim Script
451-500 of 2826 Vim Script projects