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Top 176 neovim-plugin open source projects

Nodejs extension host for vim & neovim, load extensions like VSCode and host language servers.
Vim Ghost
Vim/Nvim client for GhostText - Edit browser text areas in Vim/Neovim
Vim Vsnip
Snippet plugin for vim/nvim that supports LSP/VSCode's snippet format.
Define Neovim themes as a DSL in lua, with real-time feedback.
Nvim Go
Go development plugin for Neovim written in pure Go
Lsp Status.nvim
Utility functions for getting diagnostic status and progress messages from LSP servers, for use in the Neovim statusline
A blazing fast and easy to configure neovim statusline written in pure lua.
Neovim Ruby
Ruby support for Neovim
Vim Packager
Vim plugin manager that utilizes "jobs" and "pack" features.
Visual Split.vim
Vim plugin to control splits with visual selections or text objects
Deoplete Clang
deoplete.nvim source for C/C++/Obj-C/Obj-C++ with clang-python3
collaborative editing in Neovim using built-in capabilities
A Vim Window Animation Library
latex live preview - plugin for neovim and vim 8
Nvim Bufferline.lua
A snazzy bufferline for Neovim
Vim Dadbod Completion
Database autocompletion powered by
Asynchronous Clojure Interactive Development
Nvim Lsputils
Better defaults for nvim-lsp actions
Brings JetBrains/IntelliJ IDEs magic to Neovim with minimal setup.
Check syntax in Vim asynchronously and fix files, with Language Server Protocol (LSP) support
Vem Tabline
A lightweight Vim/Neovim plugin to display buffers and tabs in the tabline
Nvim Bqf
Better quickfix window in Neovim, polish old quickfix window.
Freaky fast fuzzy finder for (denite.nvim/CtrlP matcher) for vim/neovim
Nvim Lspfuzzy
A Neovim plugin to make the LSP client use FZF
🍞 Toast! A colorful, medium-contrast color scheme with full Vim and Neovim support and automatic light and dark variants. Easy to read without frying your retinae.
🚀 Run Async Shell Commands in Vim 8.0 / NeoVim and Output to the Quickfix Window !!
A neovim plugin to run lines/blocs of code (independently of the rest of the file), supporting multiples languages
A todoist extension for neovim
Fzf Mru.vim
Vim plugin that is using fzf.vim to display your most recently used files.
A public catalogue of Lua plugins Neovim users would like to see exist
Async completion framework made ease.
Nvim Hlslens
Hlsearch Lens for Neovim
Easy foldtext customization for [neo]vim.
🌈 Semantic Highlighting for Python in Neovim
Vim plugin that shows the context of the currently visible buffer contents
File manager for Neovim. Better than NERDTree.
Deoplete Jedi
deoplete.nvim source for Python
Vim Markdown Composer
An asynchronous markdown preview plugin for Vim and Neovim.
Tmux Complete.vim
Vim plugin for insert mode completion of words in adjacent tmux panes
Nvim Compe
Auto completion plugin for nvim that written in Lua.
Deoplete Go
Asynchronous Go completion for Neovim. deoplete source for Go.
A use-package inspired plugin manager for Neovim. Uses native packages, supports Luarocks dependencies, written in Lua, allows for expressive config
A Vim Automatic Window Resizing Plugin
A neovim tabline plugin.
Nvim Dap
Debug Adapter Protocol client implementation for Neovim (>= 0.5)
Vim Template
Simple templates plugin for Vim
Vim Dadbod Ui
Simple UI for
Neovim as a TMUX replacement
A git blame plugin for neovim inspired by VS Code's GitLens plugin
Gen tags.vim
Async plugin for vim and neovim to ease the use of ctags/gtags
1-60 of 176 neovim-plugin projects