Top 2826 Vim Script open source projects

552. bclose.vim
The BClose Vim plugin for deleting a buffer without closing the window
✭ 56
Vim Script
554. Illumine
A web framework written in python.
555. autohotkey-ahk
autohotkey syntax highlighting
✭ 14
Vim Script
556. vim-cycle
A vim plugin to toggle words between pairs or lists of related words.
✭ 72
Vim Script
557. browser-refresh.vim
Refresh current running browser from vim
✭ 18
Vim Script
559. vim-qf-preview
Preview the quickfix item under the cursor in a popup window
560. rust-sorts
Implementations of common sorting algorithms in Rust with comprehensive tests and benchmarks.
562. dotfiles
My system's dotfile 😄
563. solidity.vim
Vim plugin for Solidity compiler
✭ 19
Vim Script
564. vim-chef
Vim ftplugin for enabling gf on include_recipe in Chef
✭ 25
Vim Script
566. vim-genshijin
Genshinize your Japanese text
✭ 20
Vim Script
567. Vist
The Vist programming language
568. my
dev environnement.
570. gnome-catgen
A Gnome 3 application-overview folder configuration tool
571. base16.nvim
Base16 colors for neovim
572. vim-lilypond-integrator
Allow easy inclusion of lilypond vim configuration via Pathogen or Vundle
✭ 17
Vim Script
574. vimux-cargo
Run cargo commands in vim
✭ 20
Vim Script
575. close-buffers.nvim
📑 Delete multiple vim buffers based on different conditions
576. vim-sclow
👾 Text-based scrollbar for Vim
577. vimfiles
My vim plugins and configuration
578. vim-goyacc
Vim filetype support for goyacc
579. vim
📝 minimalistic vimrc based on KISS principle @vim
580. ghci.vim
↔️ tight ghci integration for vim
✭ 14
Vim Script
581. obvious-resize
A plugin for easy resizing of Vim windows.
✭ 22
Vim Script
582. dot-files
No description, website, or topics provided.
583. textile.vim
Textile for VIM
585. vim-zenroom
Simulating a vaguely WriteRoom-like environment in Vim.
✭ 83
Vim Script
586. vim-bling
blink current search match
✭ 50
Vim Script
587. vim-textobj-haskell
vim text objects for haskell
588. dotfiles
Organizing vim setup plus other dotfiles
591. glyph-palette.vim
🎨 An universal palette for Nerd Fonts
592. AnsiEsc.vim
ansi escape sequences concealed, but highlighted as specified (conceal)
✭ 61
Vim Script
593. vim-cycle
Cycle text within predefined candidates.
✭ 30
Vim Script
594. dotvim
My ~/.vim directory
595. dotfiles
Unix black magic - My personal Arch/MacOS configuration
596. config
My Linux configuration files
597. vim-cwl
CWL support in Vim
✭ 11
Vim Script
598. vim-terminal
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 48
Vim Script
600. witchhazel
A dark, feminine color theme.
551-600 of 2826 Vim Script projects