Atlas Of ThronesAn interactive "Game of Thrones" map powered by Leaflet, PostGIS, and Redis.
Koa WebsocketLight wrapper around Koa providing a websocket middleware handler that is koa-route compatible.
Roaasync web framework inspired by koajs, lightweight but powerful.
Nobibi一款基于Next.js+mongo的轻量级开源社区(open community by Next.js & mongo)
UmajsUmajs,easy-to-use framework base on Typescript
Egg CoreA core Pluggable framework based on koa.
Parrot Mocker WebSimple web server to forward received requests to real servers or just mock
Cool Admin Apicool-admin-api 是基于egg.js、typeorm、jwt等封装的api开发脚手架、快速开发api接口
Cls RtracerRequest Tracer - CLS-based request id generation for Express, Fastify, Koa and Hapi, batteries included
Bedrock CoreBedrock is a battle-tested template of micro services, components and patterns that tie together Kubernetes, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, Node.js and React (KEMNR).
Lad👦 Lad is the best Node.js framework. Made by a former Express TC and Koa team member.
PutongojPutong Online Judge -- An online judge with nothing special
Koa HbsHandlebars templates for Koa.js
H Blogjs, javascript, blog, typescript, node, koa...
Apollo Server🌍 Spec-compliant and production ready JavaScript GraphQL server that lets you develop in a schema-first way. Built for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa, and more.
Breko HubBabel React Koa Hot Universal Boilerplate
Sactive Web🚀 A dependency injection web framework for Node.js.
BurnjsA framework base on koa with typescript
Blog阿翔的个人技术博客,博文写在 Issues 里,如有收获请 star 鼓励~
Buttercms JsNode/JS API client for ButterCMS (
PermitAn unopinionated authentication library for building Node.js APIs.
Koa Vue FullstackA lightweight boilerplate for a universal webapp based on koa, mongodb, node, vue, and webpack
Tsed📐 Ts.ED is a Node.js and TypeScript framework on top of Express to write your application with TypeScript (or ES6). It provides a lot of decorators and guideline to make your code more readable and less error-prone.
CashHTTP response caching for Koa. Supports Redis, in-memory store, and more!
PostgraphileGraphQL is a new way of communicating with your server. It eliminates the problems of over- and under-fetching, incorporates strong data types, has built-in introspection, documentation and deprecation capabilities, and is implemented in many programming languages. This all leads to gloriously low-latency user experiences, better developer experiences, and much increased productivity. Because of all this, GraphQL is typically used as a replacement for (or companion to) RESTful API services.
Strapi🚀 Open source Node.js Headless CMS to easily build customisable APIs
CottageSimple, fast HTTP router on koa.js.
Koa Mobx React StarterA straightforward starter for Node javascript web projects. Using Koa, MobX and ReactJS (with universal / isomorphic server rendering)