All Projects → Movieflutter → Similar Projects or Alternatives

644 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Movieflutter

Mdi Vue
Material design icons for vue.js
Stars: ✭ 53 (-23.19%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Materialette - A material design color palette
Stars: ✭ 1,056 (+1430.43%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Building a WhatsApp Clone in Flutter.
Stars: ✭ 1,107 (+1504.35%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Paper Ripple
Material Design Ripple effect in pure JS & CSS.
Stars: ✭ 55 (-20.29%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
App no oficial de Animeflv
Stars: ✭ 44 (-36.23%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Materialized Windows Forms Controls
Stars: ✭ 61 (-11.59%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Stars: ✭ 51 (-26.09%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Make Fun with RnMaterial on WordPress.
Stars: ✭ 64 (-7.25%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Angular Draggable Mat Tree
Example implementation of drag and drop on Angular Material Tree
Stars: ✭ 47 (-31.88%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Material themed DateTimePickers from the Android framework for all API levels (API 14+)
Stars: ✭ 58 (-15.94%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Expandable Fab
A highly customizable 'speed dial' FloatingActionButton implementation.
Stars: ✭ 56 (-18.84%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Ng2 Md Datatable
Angular 5+ DataTable component for using with Material Design 2
Stars: ✭ 40 (-42.03%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
A modern, easy and customizable app manager for Android with Material Design
Stars: ✭ 1,118 (+1520.29%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Material Ui Password Field
A password field using Material-UI.
Stars: ✭ 54 (-21.74%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
豆芽 API Key 设置向导
Stars: ✭ 65 (-5.8%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Material Typecho
🎨 简洁 material 风格 typecho 主题
Stars: ✭ 53 (-23.19%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Npp Material Theme
Material Theme, the most epic theme for Notepad++ | Dark Theme
Stars: ✭ 60 (-13.04%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Material Prefs
⚙ A beautiful and extensible API for bulding preferences screen
Stars: ✭ 51 (-26.09%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Android data
Some Android learning materials, hoping to help you learn Android development.
Stars: ✭ 8,461 (+12162.32%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Air For Steam
An elegant and customizable skin for Steam
Stars: ✭ 1,044 (+1413.04%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Material Design file manager for Android
Stars: ✭ 1,092 (+1482.61%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Todo List
Stars: ✭ 45 (-34.78%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Provides an alternative implementation of Android's PreferenceActivity
Stars: ✭ 63 (-8.7%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
An Android library containing a simple TableView and an advanced SortableTableView providing a lot of customisation possibilities to fit all needs.
Stars: ✭ 1,019 (+1376.81%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Youtube Play Icon
Material style morphing play-pause drawable for Android
Stars: ✭ 57 (-17.39%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Materialtaptargetprompt Ios
A iOS version of Material Tap Target Prompt
Stars: ✭ 56 (-18.84%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Quasar Awesome
🎉 A list of awesome things related to Quasar
Stars: ✭ 995 (+1342.03%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
React Bootstrap With Material Design
React Bootstrap with Material Design - Powerful and free UI KIT
Stars: ✭ 1,119 (+1521.74%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
🚚 Espresso is an express delivery tracking app designed with Material Design style, built on MVP(Model-View-Presenter) architecture with RxJava2, Retrofit2, Realm database and ZXing
Stars: ✭ 1,084 (+1471.01%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
A library that shows a beautiful and customizable Material-based dialog with header. API 14+ required.
Stars: ✭ 1,139 (+1550.72%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Provides various "Material Design"-styled preferences
Stars: ✭ 54 (-21.74%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Gatsby Material Ui Business Starter
Beautiful Gatsby Material UI Business Starter
Stars: ✭ 62 (-10.14%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Material Design NetEase Music Player In MVP Pattern Design 网易云音乐
Stars: ✭ 53 (-23.19%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Android Material Design In Practice
A project to demonstrate the latest material design principles with simple examples. It has additional examples on how to easily scale texts on different screen sizes without extra effort.
Stars: ✭ 67 (-2.9%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Ripple Without Js
Create Material Design ripple effect in your HTML without using a single line of JS.
Stars: ✭ 53 (-23.19%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
React components that implement Google's Material Design.
Stars: ✭ 61 (-11.59%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Fancytoast Android
Make your native android Toasts Fancy. A library that takes the standard Android toast to the next level with a variety of styling options. Style your toast from code.
Stars: ✭ 1,067 (+1446.38%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Tc Material Design
Série de artigos sobre o Material Design Android
Stars: ✭ 64 (-7.25%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Qt Material Widgets
🎨 Qt widgets-based implementation of the Material Design specification.
Stars: ✭ 1,058 (+1433.33%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Flutter gank
Flutter版 干货集中营
Stars: ✭ 60 (-13.04%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
A gentle theme for Jekyll utilising material design.
Stars: ✭ 50 (-27.54%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Material Design 控件集合。ConstraintLayout、NestedScrollView、Toolbar、TabLayout、TextInputLayout。。。
Stars: ✭ 68 (-1.45%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Etar Calendar
Android open source calendar
Stars: ✭ 1,051 (+1423.19%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Search View Layout
Material Design Search View Layout, now implemented in Google Maps, Dialer, etc
Stars: ✭ 1,107 (+1504.35%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
This library is a set of simple wrapper classes that are aimed to help you easily create fancy material dialogs.
Stars: ✭ 1,043 (+1411.59%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Material Vue Daterange Picker
a date-range-picker follows the Material Design spec powered by vue.js (alpha)
Stars: ✭ 64 (-7.25%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Angular Bootstrap With Material Design
Angular Bootstrap with Material Design - Powerful and free UI KIT
Stars: ✭ 1,031 (+1394.2%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
💰Expense tracker using Google Sheets 📉 as a storage written in React
Stars: ✭ 1,105 (+1501.45%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Android Dev
⚡️ Curated list of resources for Android app development. Prepare for battle!
Stars: ✭ 44 (-36.23%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Shards Dashboard
🔥A beautiful Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard templates pack.
Stars: ✭ 1,143 (+1556.52%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Material Motion
Starmap and team docs
Stars: ✭ 44 (-36.23%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Ct Vue Material Dashboard Pro
Vue Material Dashboard Pro - Material Design Admin
Stars: ✭ 58 (-15.94%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
React Native Paper
Material Design for React Native (Android & iOS)
Stars: ✭ 8,714 (+12528.99%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
JavaFx Material Design Models (UI/UX) 🎉
Stars: ✭ 63 (-8.7%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Battery Meter View
🔋 Material design battery meter (i.e. level, state) view for Android
Stars: ✭ 57 (-17.39%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Awesome icon packs for WPF and UWP in one library
Stars: ✭ 1,157 (+1576.81%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Propeller - Develop more, Code less. Propeller is a front-end responsive framework based on Google's Material Design Standards & Bootstrap.
Stars: ✭ 1,150 (+1566.67%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Moviefinderusingmvvm Android
🔥 MVVM + Clean Architecture + Best Practices | 🍿Movie Finder is a sample Android application 📱to search movies using OMDb API which is built to demonstrate use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, Kodein, Architecture Components, MVVM, Retrofit, Gson, Material Components) 😊😊😉
Stars: ✭ 66 (-4.35%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
A minimal front-end library genesis client, built with Flutter
Stars: ✭ 63 (-8.7%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
Ct Material Kit Pro React Native
Material Kit PRO React Native is a fully coded app template built over, React Native and Expo
Stars: ✭ 57 (-17.39%)
Mutual labels:  material-design
1-60 of 644 similar projects